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    Dating Bulgarian Mail Order Brides

    Beautiful Bulgarian Women is what you need!

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    Bulgaria is located on the Balkan Peninsula and washed by the Black Sea to the east. For people who have traveled a lot, the region of Balkans features original traditions, unchanging family values, and strong moral foundations. Peace of mind and well-balanced nature are inherent in every resident of Bulgaria. Here, even in big cities, you will not encounter either rude attitude or hustle. The tranquility spirit reigns everywhere in Bulgaria, which helps people effectively combine work, leisure, and family life.

    As a member of the European Union, Bulgaria is becoming a more contemporary country today. However, people’s adherence to old traditions still remains. This country ranks third in the world after Greece and Italy in terms of the number of architectural monuments and sites protected by UNESCO. If you visit this wonderful country, you will be able to understand the ancient and rich culture of Bulgaria and find out the mental peculiarities of Bulgarian girls.

    Why Are Bulgarian Women So Popular?

    For many years, Bulgaria has been under the sway of various cultures and ideologies, including the influence of Byzantine and Ottoman Empires, Eastern Rite Christianity, communist ideology, and modern globalized Western values. In many Bulgaria regions, a patriarchal society is still preserved, in which the leading role in the family is assigned to the man. Still, Bulgarian brides are surprisingly hospitable and compassionate. Everyone who has ever visited this country noted such women’s features as openness, politeness, and willingness to help others in any situation.

    They Are Committed To National Traditions

    Bulgarian women love and sacredly honor their ancient traditions, as well as their rich, albeit challenging history. Holidays are celebrated here on a grand scale and in compliance with all the customs that came from ancient times. In every small town of Bulgaria, you can see monuments that tell a lot about the past events. All Bulgarian women are proud not only of their country but also of their cities, towns, and villages. So, any of them will gladly tell you everything she knows about history and local attractions.

    The people’s mentality is primarily reflected in their traditions and culture. Loyalty to their past and conservatism allowed Bulgarians to preserve their identity. For example, an age-old rite of walking on hot coals remains one of the most striking features of the Bulgarian national cultural heritage. As ancestors believed, this rite is intended to protect against evil forces and predict the future. This unusual tradition is accompanied by the sounds of drums and bagpipes, the national musical instruments. Today, you can see and even take part in walking on burning coals.

    They Are Socially Active

    Like other Europeans, contemporary Bulgarian women lead an active lifestyle. Young women try to study, work and earn extra money at the same time. Bulgarian girls, along with men, are mastering fashionable professions and building a business career. Among the brightest Bulgarian beauties, you can find enthusiasts of a variety of specialties and hobbies. These girls are actively practicing various sports and traveling around many countries of the world.

    Bulgarian women are well-mannered and traditional. But at the same time, they are modern and strive for self-realization. They often look very cheerful and full of energy. These women, especially those who live in big cities, consider any opportunity to have an additional income, not only and not so much for financial reasons, but because a particular business gives them a sense of independence and personal satisfaction from work well done.

    They Are Family Oriented and Welcoming

    Bulgarian women generally have a strong spirit, powerful character, and self-confidence. Simultaneously, a genuine Bulgarian woman will rarely miss an opportunity to stay at home with her children. In Bulgaria, people love children, and families often raise two or three children. However, it all depends on the place of residence and family budget. In general, Bulgarian women are wonderful mothers who know how to bring up traditional virtue, kindness, and respect for elders in their children.

    Previously, Bulgarian girls used to get married very young. However, contemporary young women adopted the European way of life. Hence, they study and build their careers until the age of about 30, and only then, they think about creating a family. So, Bulgarian women are very responsible for performing their roles of wives, mothers, and daughters. They also preserve traditional family relationships by all their means.

    In the Bulgarian woman’s house, everything is well — her children are fine, her husband is happy, and delicious southern dishes are set on the table. Also, local families are always glad to meet guests. A feast is a national tradition for Bulgarians. The table must be full of all sorts of delicious traditional dishes — meat, fish, cheese, various salads, etc. Amazingly, it is customary in Bulgaria to drink red wine in the months, the names of which have the letter “r”, and white wine — in all the rest months. So, you will never find red wine on the locals’ tables in the summertime.

    They Are Religious

    Bulgarian women are decent, religious, and self-respecting. The traditional religion in this country is Orthodox Christianity, which plays a significant role in Bulgarian society. According to legend, Christianity came to Bulgaria in the 1st century AD. Then, Bulgarians became the first of the Slavic peoples that officially adopted Christianity in the 9th century AD. Their family life is still patriarchal, and, accordingly, the man is the family leader.

    What Are Bulgarian Brides Like?

    Bulgarian women are beautiful and adorable in their own way. These girls and women have particular facial features and figures. Generally, their beauty is not always standard. They have a special South Slavic appearance. Some people say that Bulgarian girls look like gypsies. Their brown eyes are lively and expressive. Indeed, thanks to the active and constant movement of people from one country to another, the appearance of Bulgarian girls is becoming more and more diverse.

    Bulgaria has a hot and sunny climate. High humidity prevails in most areas, and this has a good effect on skin hydration. Contemporary Bulgarian girls pay attention to their appearance by using natural cosmetics and beauty procedures to maintain their beauty. However, they can look bright and attractive without any makeup. It can be explained by healthy and vitamin-rich cuisine, as well as an abundance of sun. Many Bulgarian women do not resort to diets and do not limit themselves to food.

    They are mostly swarthy with dark and curly hair. However, Bulgarian girls are not all dark-skinned brunettes despite more than 500 years of Ottoman domination. Beautiful Bulgarian women are proud of their gorgeous, luxurious, and long hair. Not a single self-respecting Bulgarian girl goes out of her home without meticulous hairstyling. Short haircut is out of favor in this country. Blonde hair is not so rare among Bulgarian women because they like to dye their hair blonde. Therefore, do not be surprised to see many blondes on the streets of Bulgarian cities.

    Bulgarian women adhere to traditional ideas about femininity. The typical figure of Bulgarian brides is quite attractive. Its outlines are similar to guitar shapes — a thin waist, a beautiful bust, and luxurious hips. Bulgarian women have thin bones, long hands, and a regular skull structure. Compared to other Slavs, these girls are mostly petite, graceful, and elegant. Compared to Russian girls, Bulgarians are much more refined in appearance. Russian women are more heavyset — they have wider faces, waists, and backs.

    Among the representatives of the Bulgarian people, you can rarely meet obese women who suffer from overweight. If there are big and fat ladies, they are usually already aged. However, Bulgarian women often have an oriental body imbalance — short legs and an excessively long waist. Nowadays, various tattoos on different body parts are trendy among local women. Also, young Bulgarian girls go crazy for bright and long fingernails.

    How to Date a Bulgarian Girl?

    The easiest and most convenient way to find a Bulgarian bride is to use one of the dating websites. You will be able to view many Bulgarian girls’ profiles and chat with them at will. When you know your Bulgarian mail order bride better, you can think about meeting her in person. However, you need to take into account some of the peculiarities of the Bulgarian beauties so that your date would be pleasant and successful.

    A Bulgarian girl is able to make her lover happy. Besides natural beauty, these girls have many other advantages. For instance, they are wonderful hostesses and able to cook national dishes perfectly. Regardless of gender and age, local residents are very proud of their country and rich cultural traditions. Hence, it is recommended to show interest and respect for this country. Your Bulgarian girl will definitely appreciate it and tell you a lot of amazing stories.

    Ask her about kith and kin. For most Bulgarian girls, family matters a lot. It is quite possible that your chosen one will want to introduce you to her numerous relatives. In this case, it will also not be superfluous to learn some words and phrases in Bulgarian. If you can say something in this language, you will score major points in the eyes of the locals. Also, you will be surprised that the meaning of some gestures among Bulgarians differs from the traditions of other countries. So, a nod of the head means disagreement, and the head moves from side to side, on the contrary, mean “yes”.

    How to Seduce a Bulgarian Woman?

    Keep in mind that Bulgarian girls are not very punctual. They are often late, and they consider that as the order of things. There are a lot of active, demanding, and practical persons among Bulgarian women. They want attention and material support from their men. By no means can they be called feminists. There is a demand for strong and wealthy men in Bulgarian society since the country has a rather difficult economic situation. Bulgarian men often look confused and a little depressed as they have little to offer their women.

    Why Do Bulgarian Women Become Mail Order Brides?

    Bulgarian girls do not want to stay alone and dream of getting married from early childhood. However, it often happens that they do not see among their surrounding the right man able to provide for themselves and their future children. Hence, these girls are trying to find a wealthy foreigner on one of the many dating websites. Bulgarian women for marriage like men with good education and high material wealth. The reality is that these women themselves cannot be called weak and defenseless.

    On the one hand, the connection of Bulgaria with the EU allows local women to travel, study, and work in Western Europe. Therefore, Bulgarian girls, as a rule, know English and other languages of international communication. Many foreigners visit Bulgaria to relax on the Black Sea coast or enjoy skiing at mountain resorts. Bulgarian women are open to meeting foreigners and communicating successfully with them not only online but also in person.

    On the other hand, Slavic beauty and mentality are widely known. Bulgarian women have many qualities and features that most Western men admire a lot. These ladies become loyal, loving, and caring wives. Moreover, they constantly take care of their appearance and always look adorable. They stay slim after marriage and childbirth until old age. That is why Bulgarian mail order brides are so much in demand among single men from Western countries.           

    How Are Bulgarian Brides Different from Other Women?

    Bulgarian brides are one of the most popular and desirable women, especially among European mail order brides. Bulgarian women can be expressive and sometimes even hot-tempered, but they are more gentle and understanding than, for example, girls from Latin America. Bulgarian women are passionate and temperamental, and certainly, they can be jealous. However, a plausible ground must always be for that. They will never blow the roof off their men without any reason.

    Bulgarian girls will always wonder how the man with whom she begins to date is making a living. However, this does not mean that she wants to use him, but the material status of the potential family head matters to her. All these women live in the real world, and they do not want to have trouble. Many Bulgarian girls are generally not demanding, or at least they are not as materialistic as the representatives of some other countries.

    Bulgarian brides know how to take care of themselves. They master the art of makeup, manicure, and hairstyling. To do this, they watch lessons on YouTube, attend courses, and share the secrets of female beauty with their girlfriends. Life has taught Bulgarian girls to overcome restrictions and look flawless even with minimum makeup. In this matter, they differ from many European women who pay little attention to their appearance.

    How to Find a Reliable Bulgarian Website?

    At present, you can easily find some websites specialized in Bulgarian mail order brides or perhaps European dating sites with a broader collection of women. Read reviews about a particular site you liked before signing up on it. If nothing seems suspicious to you, pass the registration, and create an attractive profile. Make sure to provide enough amazing details about yourself and upload some top-notch personal photos. 

    Browse the photos of several Bulgarian mail order brides and set your search parameters. Do not expect Bulgarian girls to write to you first. Take the first step towards the girl of your dreams. Try to keep in touch with the girl you liked, but not in a way that it can be viewed as excessive persistence. Sending virtual or real flowers would be a good idea to break the ice. When you both are ready for a new phase in your relationships, consider visiting this country and meeting your Bulgarian mail order bride in person.

    Summing Up: Bulgarian VS American Women

    Many Bulgarian women from childhood begin to dream of a successful marriage and a happy family life. Usually, they do not frequently visit beauty salons, and they do not enlarge their lips. Moreover, Bulgarian girls do not come up with the idea of having plastic surgery. Of course, Bulgarian women for marriage are modern, and they are trying to make a career. However, it is unlikely that a Bulgarian bride would prefer a job to a personal relationship. After all, the family has paramount importance for Bulgarian women. These features distinguish them from American women.


    James Preece
    Dating Coach
    James is an expert in international dating and helps many men navigate through the best choice, be it for dating or marriage. He conveys the real sense of how you can approach choosing the best match. He consistently helps our site get the best and up-to-date content to shed light on dating online and its perks. Besides, he’s a talented writer who makes it easy to understand the peculiarities of international women for dating and marriage.
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