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    Meet Polish brides

    Dating someone of a different nationality can feel like walking through a maze blindfolded. Everyone knows that charting through the murky waters of relationships is hard enough, not to mention the challenges that come with nationality differences. However, tons of people have managed to sail through without sinking and you can too.

    When it comes to the dating pool, Polish women are generally  considered a prime catch for any man who’s looking to hook and settle down with a lovely lady. This probably explains why you’re reading this article right now.

    Wondering why you should date Polish girls? Just in case you’re a doubting Thomas, here are some solid facts about these women that would turn you right into a believer:

    Polish women are loving

    When it comes to loving and nurturing your partner, Polish women definitely top the charts. The average Polish woman would go to any length to pamper and care for her partner. If you ever had a grandma who fussed over you and got you random presents, then you’ve had a tiny glimpse of what it feels like to date a woman from Poland. Don’t feel awkward or surprised when your Polish girlfriend offers to bake a pie or take care of you when you’re sick. She’s only following her natural instincts. However, she’d definitely expect you to appreciate her efforts once in a while. Don’t forget to thank her deeply when she does something nice or prepares a meal for you.

    Polish ladies are hospitable

    Ever been invited to a house where the hosts ignore you or skip your table when serving guests? If you have, then you can definitely agree with us that it isn’t a pleasant experience you’d want to relive. However, with Polish women, the reverse is the case. Apart from their straight noses, Polish ladies are also known for their hospitable character towards guests. Most women in Poland love entertaining guests as it gives them the opportunity to show off their excellent hosting skills.

    If you ever get the chance to visit a Polish household, you’d most likely get stuffed with so much food, you won’t be able to walk anymore. Just don’t forget to thank them afterwards!

    Polish girlfriends are hardworking

    Here’s one thing you should know about women in Poland: they aren’t scared of hard work. When it comes to back-breaking office jobs or domestic chores, you’d definitely find Polish girls at the forefront. Even though these women tend to stick to conventional societal norms, the average Polish woman works hard for her own money and isn’t dependent on anyone.

    Thus, if you’re looking for a partner with whom you can put up your feet and have a conversation about work, you should definitely get a Polish girlfriend.

    Polish girls for marriage have a special maternal instinct

    At this point, you’ve probably already gotten the memo that Polish brides are the perfect choice for any bachelor who’s looking to settle down. However, one important fact we haven’t mentioned yet is that they also have strong maternal instincts.

    If you’re thinking of having kids later in life, you’d definitely want a partner that feels strongly about children like you do. Luckily, most women in Poland fit this description. They have a special maternal instinct that makes them excellent mothers.

    Ever wondered why Polish men seem to love their mothers so much? Take a wild guess.

    Hint: It may have something to do with the maternal instincts Polish women are known for.

    Polish bride will be a patient wife

    Finding a patient partner is just like finding a gold coin while fishing. Everyone wants that experience but only a few lucky people get to have it. However, who needs luck when you can get a Polish bride? Polish brides are known for being very patient and understanding partners.

    In fact, there’s a huge chance you’d never have a spat with your Polish bride, due to their patient nature.

    However, this doesn’t mean that they can easily be manipulated or taken advantage of. If you’re looking to date a woman from Poland, don’t mistake her patient nature for gullibility or naivete.

    Polish women are family-oriented

    Picture this: it’s a cold winter eve. You’re sitting in front of the fireplace with your wife and children snuggled up beside you. If this image triggers warm, fuzzy feelings in your stomach, a Polish bride is just what you need.

    Polish women are generally known for being family-oriented. In fact, if you do get married to a woman in Poland, there’s a 98% chance that you’d end up with a close-knit family. These women hold family strings close to their hearts and would never let anything or anyone take the place of family.

    Main differences between Western and Slavic brides

    Polish women

    Any man who has spent most of his active dating life with Western women may experience a bit of a culture shock when he enters into a relationship with a Polish woman. Apart from physical features, there’s a whole world of difference between Western and Slavic brides.

    So, just before you go out in search of sexy Polish women, here’s what you should know about the major differences between Western and Slavic brides:

    Their approach to feminism

    As a man living in the Western world, you’re most likely used to seeing women who are quite vocal about feminism and what it stands for. However, with Slavic women, the case is a little different. Most Slavic brides are indifferent about feminism and its ideals. In fact, some of them vehemently oppose it – a rare sight in the Western world.

    This is mainly because the Slavic people have a historical background where patriarchal social structures were upheld. Today, even though these structures have been largely dismantled, the average Slavic woman still views men as unofficial leaders in different aspects of life.

    However, this doesn’t mean that they are pushovers or women with no willpower. Rather, they just tend to cling to traditional norms, as opposed to Western women who are more liberal.

    Attitude to family

    In today’s world, a lot of women often have to make a choice between building their careers and taking care of the family. Let’s picture this uncomfortable but common scenario. A Western bride is faced with the options of either building her career or building a family. What do you think her choice would be? There’s a huge chance that she’d pick the former without looking back.

    However, a Slavic bride would most likely choose family over her career for several reasons. For starters, the family is a very sacred connection for many Slavic women. They would rather chew a hot needle than allow external factors influence their familial bond. Even though this trait is more prevalent among the older generation, you can still find significant traces in younger Slavic brides.

    It doesn’t end here though. A large percentage of young Slavic brides prefer the idea of finding love and marriage to building a career. So, if you’d prefer a family-oriented bride, a Slavic woman is simply perfect for you.

    Value placed on appearance

    Picture this: a woman steps out of the shower, throws on some clothes, puts her hair up in a ponytail, adds a dash of lipstick and then steps out of the house. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Well, this scenario is the go-to standard among Western women. With these women, it’s pretty easy to wear sweatpants and a tank top while feeling as confident as a Disney Princess.

    However, Slavic brides tend to place more value on their appearance. The average Slavic woman may spend hours grooming her hair and putting on just the right amount of lipstick.

    If you aren’t a patient man, you may get frustrated on date nights while waiting for your partner to get ready. However, the wait is always worth it at the end.

    Dress code

    In the Western world, there’s literally no dress code for women. Western women dress the way they want, without having to pander to any code or standards. However, many Slavic ladies often try to follow a certain dress code. Even though it may seem strange at first, you’d get used to it after spending some time in Poland or Ukraine.


    Want to know what possessiveness looks like? Try snatching a ball of yarn from a cat’s mouth or even worse, try glancing suggestively at a Slavic bride’s husband. You’d get torn into shreds faster than you can say “Jack”.

    Slavic women are known to be very territorial and would do anything to remove a competitor out of the picture. While a Western bride may overlook or walk away once she senses competition, a Slavic bride will definitely make the man regret giving her cause for jealousy.

    On the bright side, their fierce loyalty matches their jealousy so you won’t ever have to worry about losing your bride to another man.

    Polish Dating Culture

    Poland is quite a unique country where you can spend a great time with your future girlfriend. There are so many things you can discover when traveling across Poland. But what do you know about the dating culture in this country? Like in many European countries, Polish women are interested in real courtship, and that’s why gentlemen are in demand among Polish ladies for dating. Here are things to know about Polish dating culture:

    • Religious backgrounds. Poland is one of the most religious countries in the EU. Religion is still important. Traditional values are inherent. That’s why dating in Poland is seen as the first step to marriage. And dating based on one-night stands isn’t quite common. The conservative approach to dating is what you should know before you start dating Polish ladies. But what about premarital sex?
    • Intimacy. Despite the religious background of Polish ladies, it can be said that sex before marriage is quite prevalent. One of the main reasons is that women are less interested in official marriages. They’re more interested in finding partners they can live with, and cohabitation is getting more popular. So, intimacy is what you can expect when dating Polish women.

    What will be a perfect gift for your chosen one?

    Polish brides

    How do you find the perfect gift for your Polish bride? Unlike what the movies tell you, Polish women may not always swoon and shed emotional tears when you offer them flowers or a box of pizza. However, there are certain gift items that would definitely make your Polish bride swoon and cherish you till the end of time. Let’s take a look at some of them, shall we?

    Bolesławiec pottery

    Looking to win the heart of your Polish bride and steal her away from the competition? Bolesławiec pottery is your best shot. These ceramic wares have a deep history that cannot be erased by the sands of time. Each piece has a unique design that would definitely catch the eye of any passer-by.

    However, the beauty of this gift item runs deeper than its outward appearance. The pottery is also very useful in the kitchen and this explains why many Slavic mothers are drawn to it. It can resist the heat of ovens or microwaves and even stays crack-free when placed in the freezer.

    Pro tip: If you’re considering getting Boleslawiec pottery for your Polish partner, it’s important to stay alert. There are a lot of fakes out there and you definitely don’t want to offer a knock-off to your bride. You can either order from a genuine website or get another gift if you don’t want to take the risk.

    Amber accessories

    If there’s one thing you should know about Poland, it’s the fact that this country is known for its exquisite amber pieces. In fact, tons of tourists and foreigners often troop to Poland to get the best Amber pieces for their partners and loved ones.

    This only goes to show that Poland Amber is a highly sought after item and as such, should top the list of gift items for your Polish bride. When it comes to choosing Amber accessories, you may feel a little overwhelmed by the sheer amount of options out there. However, when in doubt, always go for a simple necklace.

    Linen tablecloth

    This probably sounds ridiculous at first glance. Why on earth would any girl want to be gifted a linen tablecloth? Well, it’s more complicated than you think. Handmade Polish linen isn’t an everyday item that you can find by waltzing into the nearest antique shop. It’s a very expensive item and is in high demand.

    In fact, these linen items are so precious that most sellers refuse to sell them at wholesale prices. They’d rather sell each tablecloth at the normal retail price. So, just in case you find a Polish girl swooning at the sight of a linen tablecloth, don’t act surprised.


    If you’re wooing a Polish lady, there’s a huge chance that your love interest has a sweet tooth. As such, you’d definitely impress her by gifting her sweets. Fortunately, Poland has a wide variety of sweets that you can choose from. Just figure out which one is her favourite and then go for it.

    Salt lamps

    Salt lamps have a lot of benefits. Apart from the warmth and ambience they bring to a room, they’re also known to have several health benefits. This explains why so many Polish ladies can’t seem to do without these lamps.

    If you’re looking for the perfect gift for your Polish bride, a salt lamp will definitely do the trick.

    What makes Western men marry Polish women?

    Polish women are obviously in high demand among Western men. However, there’s a big question staring right in our faces. What makes Western men marry Polish women?

    Well, there’s a long list of reasons but we’d stick to the basic ones. Let’s take a look at some of them, shall we?

    Their magnificent beauty

    Anyone who has ever been to Poland would tell you two things. One, you’d pay for using the toilet more times than you’d pay for a cup of coffee. Secondly, the women in Poland are drop-dead gorgeous. Studies (by “studies”, we mean random opinions from Reddit) have shown that Poland has the highest number of beautiful women. In fact, you’d most likely get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of hot Polish women you’d find.

    The average Polish woman has a pretty face and a naturally slim body which she tries to keep in shape. These women are also known for their luxurious hair and exotic facial features. Even if they lacked other compelling qualities, their magnificent beauty is enough to keep them in high demand.

    Excellent handling of household tasks

    The average Polish woman is quite adept at handling household tasks. From whipping up delicious meals to keeping the house in order, women in Poland definitely know how to keep the household running. With a Polish bride, you’d never have to worry about getting overwhelmed by household tasks. However, they also enjoy being appreciated for their efforts. A little “thank you” after each meal or a helping hand every now and then will definitely go a long way.


    Just like we stated earlier, Polish women are fiercely loyal. Once your bride says ‘I do”, you’d never have to worry about any man stepping into the picture. She’d also defend you from naysayers. In fact, rumours have it that women in Poland know how to pack a punch.

    However, their fierce loyalty is only one side of the coin. On the other hand, Polish women can be fiercely jealous and territorial. Although they have the best intentions, it may be a little overwhelming for you if it’s your first time dating a Polish woman.

    Mild temper

    Polish women are generally slow to anger. If you’ve ever been in relationships where you had constant yelling bouts with your partner, dating a Polish woman would be a relieving experience for you. Not only are they mild tempered, these women are also known to be very understanding. This explains why most Western men prefer to settle down with Polish brides at the end of the day.

    However, don’t expect to get away with treating your Polish bride badly. She definitely won’t stand for it.

    Caring nature

    Who wouldn’t love to be pampered and taken care of? Most Western men would. The average Polish woman has in-born nurturing skills that extends to her partner and children. If you ever fall ill, there’s a huge chance that your partner would hover around you and nurse you back to health.

    How to Behave with Polish Brides?

    As you already know, Polish brides are a popular choice among men from different parts of the world. From their magnificent beauty to their charming personalities, these Slavic brides will make any man happy. Thus, if you do end up with a Polish bride, you have to act right to prevent her from slipping through your fingers. Wondering how to do this? Let’s find out.

    Tips to win the heart of a Polish beauty

    Avoid arrogance and aggression

    In some parts of the world, the arrogant “bad boy” persona would have ladies slipping their phone numbers into your hands. However, this attitude won’t score any points for you with a Polish lady. Polish women prefer modest, down-to-earth men. As such, if you’re trying to impress any woman in Poland, avoid bragging or showing off.

    Boasting about your achievements or financial status in a bid to impress her would only achieve the opposite effect. At the end of the day, you’d be seen as an empty loudmouth.

    Be chivalrous

    Who said chivalry was dead? Definitely not Polish women. Most Polish girls are brought up in a chivalrous society and expect the same from any man who’s trying to win her heart. No one is asking you to fight a duel to win her honour. However, you’d need to carry out little chivalrous acts like opening the door for her, carrying her bag and paying the bills.

    You would have to treat her like a princess and show that you really care about her. This way, you’d definitely impress her.

    Appreciate her

    Polish girls place a high value on their appearance and personality. As such, they love being appreciated and complimented. Shower occasional compliments and let her know how beautiful she looks. However, don’t overdo it in order to avoid coming off as a creep.

    In the same vein, women in Poland enjoy being flaunted. Introduce her to your friends and loved ones. By showing your friends that you’re serious about her, you’d win her heart in no time at all.

    Show deep interest in her life

    Your conversations with a Polish girl shouldn’t revolve solely around you and your life. Show deep interest in her personal and professional life. Ask about her family, hobbies and goals. You’d see her face light up once she realises that you’re really interested in finding out more about her.

    James Preece
    Dating Coach
    James is an expert in international dating and helps many men navigate through the best choice, be it for dating or marriage. He conveys the real sense of how you can approach choosing the best match. He consistently helps our site get the best and up-to-date content to shed light on dating online and its perks. Besides, he’s a talented writer who makes it easy to understand the peculiarities of international women for dating and marriage.
    Final Thoughts
    Polish ladies are beautiful, no doubt. However, there’s more to them than their slim physique and exotic facial features. Women in Poland are loyal, family-oriented and mild tempered. As such, they are considered prime catch by men from different parts of the world. Trying to win the heart of a Polish beauty? Simply follow these tips listed above and you’d have a Polish bride in no time at all. 
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