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    Although residents of Canada and the USA are very close in many aspects, there are some differences. If the mentality of English-speaking Canadian women is similar to the mentality of American neighbors, then girls from the French-speaking part of Canada can be very different from American and French women. Sometimes, Americans make fun of some Canadian peculiarities and even show a slight superiority. However, Canadian women do not understand arrogance at all as they are very proud of their uniqueness.

    Canadian Singles and American Men: Why Do They Like Each Other?

    Canada is known for its cold climate, maple syrup, and beautiful women. Many American men would like to meet Canadian girls. Residents of both countries freely cross the common border and this does not cause any aggression from locals. American men and Canadian women are united not only by their residence in the North American continent, but also by common ethnic, historical, and cultural roots. English in Canada and the US has practically no differences.

    How Are Canadian Women Different From US Women?

    If we compare Canadian women vs American women, Canadians are more tolerant, laid-back, and calmer persons. As we know, immigrants from England, Spain, and other countries moved to the New World in search of a new life. At that time, the territories of contemporary Canada were settled mainly by the French. For many centuries, England and France constantly waged wars in Europe. Hence, strained relations were ingrained between the British and the French in Canada. Thus, when dating a Canadian woman, an American man has to show respect to her country.


    As a rule, Canadian women are generally of above-average height and do not tend to be overweight. Also, Canadian girls have fairly wide shoulders and narrow hips. Usually, this is explained by the harsh climatic conditions of the country. Another feature of Canadian women is the structure of their skulls, due to which they are distinguished by clearly defined cheekbones and a slightly protruding chin. Their noses are neat, small, and narrow.

    Perhaps, the most striking visual accent of Canadian women is their eyes. Their eyes are bright and very expressive. Their relatively small size is compensated by the bright colors from blue and gray to hazel. Typical Canadian girls and women, unlike American women, love to take care of their appearance and pay a lot of attention to it. Every Canadian girl has her charm and zest.


    Canada is as associated with politeness as Saudi Arabia — with oil. Regarding the matter of Canadian women vs American women, the politeness and courtesy of Canadian women are completely natural and sometimes even excessive. Some Canadian women, at first glance, may seem cold and stern, but their outward inaccessibility is deceiving. These women are mostly calm, outgoing, and very friendly. They love to say compliments to close people. They value family and are ready to do everything to preserve relationships with their partners. Divorces are rare in Canada.

    Education and Religious Beliefs

    About 77% of Canadians consider themselves believers. Among them, more than 50% of Canadians are adherents of the Roman Catholic religion, 30% are Protestants, and the remaining 20% are atheists. Canadian Christians rarely attend church, and compared to Americans, they are less zealous in the faith. In Canada, liberal relations with support for same-sex marriage and other free worldviews, especially in Quebec, are coming to the fore.

    In the US, the dominant religions are Christian Protestantism (over 51%) and Catholicism (over 23% of believers). Approximately 1.6% of US citizens, mostly young people, identify themselves as atheists. The massive immigration of people from different countries has provided an extraordinary diversity of religious beliefs. The overwhelming majority of US residents have great respect for religion. In this country, it is customary for the whole family to attend church and invite clergymen to funerals, weddings, and communions.

    If we compare Canadian vs American women in terms of education, these two countries have some differences. First, there is a lower level of competition regarding admission in Canada than in American higher education institutions. Second, Canadian citizens pay several times less for their education than American girls. Third, the education system in Canada is more flexible and diverse. This allows Canadian women to be more versatile specialists and well-rounded persons.


    In the 20th century, women in the US and Canada became deeply involved in feminism. The desire to be independent and the aspiration to gender equality in the US is still off the scale. There are some absurd cases of serious scandals with accusations of sexism when a man held the door for a woman. A friendly touch can be perceived as an act of violence. Due to feminism, many women in the USA and Canada have ceased to care about their appearance since people should accept them as they are, that is, without makeup, hair dress, and manicure.

    Attitude to Family Life

    Contemporary Canadian girls are in no hurry to get married and have children. These women, like their American counterparts, usually want to get a good education and build a successful career before starting their families. American women’s approach to marriage is more practical and judicious. At an early age, American girls stop playing with dolls and move on to mature amusements. Many American girls are waiting for their charming princes and imposing unthinkable demands, mainly financial, on their boyfriends.

    Canadian girls, especially those who live in Quebec, can live in a civil marriage for several years. However, many of them prefer formal marriage. A typical Canadian family is a husband, wife, and two or three children. Families usually live in their homes and have several cars. Wives in Canada try to work for the sake of the family budget. When children are born, women often quit their jobs and take care of their upbringing. Thanks to Internet technologies, many Canadian women have opportunities to work from home.

    Canadian Girls vs. American Girls: What To Expect While Dating?

    Canadian Women vs American Women

    If you are looking to meet a single Canadian or American woman, there is no real secret here. You need to travel to Canada or the USA. If you want to meet a girl from a particular state or province, then you will need to travel to that region. It is also possible to meet Canadian and American women abroad. The Hawaiian Islands, Tenerife, and the Dominican Republic are popular holiday destinations for them. However, Canadian women are less inclined to travel abroad, as they are fond of the natural beauty of their home country.

    When meeting with Canadian women, it is better not to try to ridicule them by imitating their accent, as well as discuss the peculiarities of their culture, and Quebec independence. Also, do not complain about the cool climate in Canada. This can irritate the Canadian woman you are dating. If you want to please an American woman, you should not criticize her accent, non-compliance with grammar, or her preferred food. Also, there is no need to pay attention to her narrow outlook and the absence of higher education.

    You can also meet Canadian and American women on one of the dating websites. For example, you can register on InternationalCupid, Match, EliteSingles, eHarmony, OurTime, and many other international dating platforms and get the experience of chatting with lovely mail order brides from an American continent. Advanced matching algorithms will help you find those women who could understand you in the best way. You can meet online thousands of hot single women looking for love. If you feel that you have met the right person, then dating in person is required.

    Canadian Mentality vs. American Mentality

    Just like Americans, Canadian women are independent and self-sufficient. Also, they are goal-oriented, hard-working, and passionate. They know what they want from life. American women, more often than not, will not stop at anything to achieve their goals. Women in Canada are also more likely to have a college or university degree. American women, too, strive to get an education, make a career, and have a harmonious relationship with their partners. The question is, at what cost this could be achieved.

    Following the Law

    In both Canada and the USA, there is an unspoken rule not to judge people for their actions, since these countries have a free society and everyone can act in his or her way. However, everything must be within the framework of current legislation for both American and Canadian residents. According to statistics, crime rates in these countries have fallen sharply over the past few decades. By any measure, women in the US and Canada are the most law-abiding and tolerant generation ever existed.

    Politeness and Smiles

    The comparison of Canadian women vs American women is relevant in this matter. American culture requires a smile and a positive attitude in every situation. However, the politeness of American women often borders on hypocrisy. American women can smile to the face of someone they actually hate. American women are taught to radiate positive emotions no matter what they really feel.On the contrary, Canadian women smile to show they are happy and positive. In Canada, a smile is a symbol of politeness and  kindness.


    Everyone in the US and Canada has the right to privacy, and this is protected by the government and laws. American and Canadian women are active on social media. Therefore, the issue of preservation, use, and leakage of personal information is relevant at present. We can say that American women are more eager to protect their privacy from outsiders than Canadian women. Perhaps this is due to the greater openness of the latter.


    In Canada, sentimentality is a national feature of women. They are empathizing not only with movie characters but also real people. Not surprisingly, all Canadian women love animals, take care of them, and buy them expensive food and even clothes. If you get lost, any Canadian woman will help you. She will gladly tell you how to get to the right place. Immigrant destiny also tells American women to help others, but in the US, selfless assistance has some limits.

    Attitude Towards Money

    Many think that Canadian women are generally a little more pragmatic than Americans. Canadians do not tend to waste money on unnecessary things. However, when it comes to material well-being and mental comfort, then Canadian women usually listen to their feelings. That is, when they choose their life partners, love and feelings matter more to them than their future husbands’ money.

    Canadian Women Culture

    Canadian culture features tolerance, mutual respect, and community orientation. Canadian women value somebody’s contribution to their communities. If in the US individualism and indifference to strangers are national features, then people in Canada are kinder and more supportive. Canadian women prefer to communicate with a strictly defined circle of people, which includes family members, friends, and work colleagues.

    They Get Married Early

    Canadian legislation allows girls to get married at the age of 16 years old. However, it is possible only by parents’ consent. A girl can independently decide on marriage at the age of 17-19, depending on the province of residence. At present, the average age for Canadian women when they first get married is gradually rising. If in the middle of the last century, Canadian girls get married on average at 25, then this figure is now 29 years old.

    Gender Roles

    Canadian and American couples still share most of the household chores traditionally. These gender roles in the household are fairly stable. American and Canadian women are most likely to wash, clean, and prepare food, while men work outside their homes and do repairs. Women are also more involved with children. However, there is a tendency for Canadian men to devote more time to their children.

    Language Barrier

    The backbone of the nation in Canada is the Anglo-Saxons, who make up almost 40% of the population. The official languages of Canada are both English and French. About a quarter of the country’s population is French Canadians, who mainly live in the province of Quebec. French-speaking women strive to preserve their unique culture, so a girl from Quebec is unlikely to be interested in talking to you until you learn French.

    Canadian Personality vs American

    The American idea of the lack of patterns is undeniably worthy of respect. However, many people in the US perceive it in the wrong way. Sports, healthy nutrition, and an active lifestyle, in general, are not in high esteem among many American women. Many American women cannot tolerate when someone eats meat in their presence. The cults of veganism and vegetarianism are so widespread in the US that at every step you can see posters on this topic, and many women try to impose these ideas on other people.


    Canadian women also used to fight for equal rights and freedoms. Canada has officially become the fourth country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage in 2005. The government provides significant benefits to Canadian women offering long and paid maternity leave, various benefits, free kindergartens, etc. Most Canadian women are more socially protected than women in the US. This contributes to the constant growth of the birth rate in Canada.


    In Canada, the dominant British culture manifests itself in traditions, way of life, and demeanor of Canadian women. They strive to reach their full potential, achieve academic success, and make a career at work. In addition, marrying a woman from Canada is not easy, as she will carefully choose her future husband and will not marry the first person she meets.

    First Step

    Trying to meet a young girl in Canada can turn into awkwardness and even rejection as if you are breaking some boundaries. Canadian girls have some prejudices towards strangers, even if a man is good-looking and behaves nicely and not assertively. To win the Canadian girl’s heart, a man has to take time, because she most probably prefers that the relationships will develop gradually.

    How to Differentiate Canadian Girls From Americans?

    Canada and the USA are two countries formed by immigrants. The USA has a larger number of immigrants than any other country. At the same time, every fifth woman living in Canada is an immigrant. To differentiate Canadian vs American women, you should take into account the society and families in which they grew up. Thus, any difference between Canadian and American girls is the same as between Canadian and American men.

    What Do Canadian Women Think of American Men?

    Canadian women joke that American men are strictly divided into two types — those who love jazz and those who hate it. If a man belongs to the first type, it means that he is a refined intellectual, and the second type is a nice guy, not so refined, but a strong and healthy man.

    They’re Handsome

    The cold climate of Canada has shaped certain character traits among Canadians. Men in Canada usually have broad shoulders and high growth. Americans, on the other hand, are different from the men we can see in Hollywood movies. However, most American men are concerned about their appearance, hygiene, and prefer comfortable clothing. Canadian women love such guys.

    They’re Romantic

    American men are affectionate, caring, and understanding with women. They are not shy about showing their feelings and talking about their experiences.

    They’re Good in Bed

    Canadian women believe that Americans prefer to act boldly to impress women favorably. Sports, a healthy lifestyle, and a regular smile are the main factors that have allowed American men to rank first in the Canadian women’s top five sexiest men in the world.

    They’re Understanding about Women’s Career and Interests

    American guys are brought up in an atmosphere of equal rights for both women and men, so they try to help their women and support them in everything, whether it concerns family, life, or work. In addition, American men rarely impose special demands on their women.

    James Preece
    Dating Coach
    James is an expert in international dating and helps many men navigate through the best choice, be it for dating or marriage. He conveys the real sense of how you can approach choosing the best match. He consistently helps our site get the best and up-to-date content to shed light on dating online and its perks. Besides, he’s a talented writer who makes it easy to understand the peculiarities of international women for dating and marriage.
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