French singles and American men: why do they like each other?
French singles love to romance the old-fashioned way. And since American guys know how to be perfect gentlemen, they hit it off quickly with French ladies. American men feel a connection with these women whenever they cross paths. French women are unique, have a subtle fashion sense, which fascinates guys from America.
Again, the French are rather about acts of love than words. But, it excites French girls to hear kind expressions of love. American men are so romantic, and they know how to reach into the innermost parts of a woman’s soul to connect with her. French women adore such qualities.
How are French women different from US women?
Women of French descent have different looks, etiquette, and approach to family life. To understand the extent of the disparities, consider the following aspects.
French women look like most Europeans, with long pointed nostrils, delicate eyes, etc. France is made up of mixed ethnicities due to immigrants marrying the native white French people. Nevertheless, many women in the northern parts of France are blonde, while in the south you find women with much darker hair and brown eyes. In all, the women look relaxed and elegant.
People opine that American women are the sexiest women in the world. The racial diversity in America has contributed to the unique appearance of these women. American women range from blond to brunettes with excellent body figures. The black American women have long dark, curly hair and have the most curves.

In public places, French women appear polite and reserved. They shake hands when they meet someone for the first time, sometimes giving a kiss on the neck to familiar ones. It is customary to shake hands with coworkers and exchange pleasantries before heading home after the day’s work.
If they meet someone new, French girls address them as Monsieur/Madame and their last name (if they know it). French women think arriving on time at a meeting is essential, but they are not keen on arriving early.
Punctuality is critical to Americans. If they make an appointment, they show up early enough. Thus, they view lateness as being rude. Whoever invites pays the bill when doing lunch or dinner, irrespective of gender.
Education and religious beliefs
Literacy levels are pretty high in France. It is one of the European countries with the highest number of educated people. A good number of women in the U.S. have advanced degrees beyond high school.
Most French women identify as Catholics, making up a quarter of the population. Also, France is a religiously liberal country as other faiths, including Islam, Buddhism, etc., exist. Most Americans are Christians, although the number is dwindling. Many American females believe in religion but do not actively practice it.
In the past, French culture confined women to private life. Household and marital responsibilities controlled their lives. Things are much different today. French liberation enthralls women from all walks of life. The concepts of justice and solidarity ignite them. Women are willing to express their sociopolitical frustrations and ideas. The elites discuss ownership rights and democracy. At the same time, women can express their grievances over the lack of essential services.
In America, women were not allowed to vote because the States Constitution never gave them rights. Most states mandated citizens to own a specific quantity of land to vote. Since women did not own enough land, it stifled their freedom. Thus, the men represented them in politics. The situation is much different today. Women have equal rights and can not only vote but run for office.
Attitude to family life
In the United States, most women are career-driven. But, they try to maintain a healthy work-family balance. Men have to share domestic responsibilities to assist career-oriented women. Both parties are responsible for the household. No matter how independent and feminist an American woman is, she recognizes her duties if she has a family.
The case with French women is not so different. Women in France today respect family life. But, the desire to start one is dwindling. More women are entering the workforce and do not prioritize having a family. Still, French women love children. This attitude is evident in the number of out-of-wedlock births in France.
French girls vs American girls: What to expect while dating?
French girls have different standards than their American counterparts. French girls display little assertiveness when courting. Their natural charm and wit allow them to attract anyone they desire. The women have a great sense of romanticism; they are endearing and easy to love.
French girls have phenomenal loving abilities. They can be sympathetic and enthusiastic at the same time. If you choose to date a French girl, she will take care of you and adore you. French women are upbeat and pleasant when they find the right person. Moreover, French ladies are friendly, chatty, and accommodating. The most challenging situations can’t bring them down, nor will they lose confidence.
A French girl decides who she wants to date. As earlier described, a French woman behaves the old-fashioned way in love. She lingers before accepting any man’s proposal. If you are genuine, she wants you to keep trying to woo her until she succumbs. Also, because the French are not known to use words to express love, you need not feel unloved if she does not frequently express her feelings in words. However, you can expect to be showered with physical acts of love.
In the United States, girls expect a lot from men- commitment, understanding, loyalty, protection, etc. The public view of US women is that they are fragile princesses. They expect to receive the treatment meant for queens and princesses. Such a mentality sticks to their minds, and you should expect it while dating them. The women are also expressive; they love to chat. US girls expect male interests to sweep them off their feet on date nights with beautiful treats.
French mentality vs American mentality
Following the law
French women obey laws, pay taxes as the government requires, and are obedient. France is one of the world’s leading countries in protecting women’s rights, including the right to life, liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression.
Women can take part in creating laws, participate at all levels of government and have the right to express themselves publicly.
American women have an independent mentality, holding a firm stand for their rights. The Americans view the State as supreme and are proud to defend it. The women do their best to maintain the reputation and greatness of America all over the world. To them, America comes first, and so; they strive to do only things that engender national unity and peace.
Politeness and smiles
A distinguishing feature of Americans and the French is their attitude towards people. An American woman greets people who work in stores differently from a French woman. Another significant difference between French women and American women is politeness and courtesy.
In America, a woman can walk into a shopping mall and select things she needs without saying hi or hello. She can decide whether to greet the shop attendant or not.
You’ll always find American women smartly dressed wherever you go in America. They usually wear a stern look on their faces unless they come across familiar faces.
But, politeness is fundamental in France. Given that the word “etiquette” originates from France, this shouldn’t surprise you. Unlike American women, French women are very polite. These women are not loud in public places.
French women are never punctual. It’s ideal for them to arrive about fifteen minutes late for a dinner date. While the Americans consider it rude, French women don’t think it impolite to the other party. Yet, in France, women consider placing hands on the table as bad manners in the US.
French women like to go by their rules in terms of privacy, which is different from American women. While American women will make you believe that they are the most friendly, French women are different. American women spend time checking items off a never-ending to-do list or making plans for the days, weeks, and years ahead. The women blend well and relate freely.
French women dislike making things too obvious, preferring to keep things personal. These women enjoy being private, affecting their social lives, including relationships. French women are not too romantic when dating, so don’t expect much, especially if it’s your first meeting. It does not mean a lack of interest. In general, a French woman takes complete pride in her lifestyle.
Soulfulness is a notable difference between French vs American women. French ladies love going out for dinner parties and taking walks in parks. They derive so much joy from picnics. At the same time, Americans love adventures and tours. We link Americans’ soulfulness to arousal of pleasure and comfort. American women are the center of attraction in every public place and live an exciting life.
Attitude towards money
Most French women have needed to meet. The cost of living in France is high, so they regard those who can save money to pay utilities as ‘thrifty.’ French women are frugal. In their opinion, one rule in life is to be smart with money, even for young people. However, French women won’t discuss how much they earn or save.
In contrast, American women believe in making money to enjoy their desired lifestyles. The fashion trends make them spend good money on many fashionable items. Most Americans are more likely to buy chunky necklaces and stacks of bracelets. The American people are enterprising, and they believe in improving their financial state. Most of them have a small business with which they support their families.
French women culture
French women like to keep things low-key and straightforward. Doing what makes them feel happy and satisfied is their focus.
They get married early
Before now, the average age for French women to get married was 28. Since 2018, the percentage of single and divorced ladies has increased. Yet, those who choose to get married prefer to do so at an early age.
Gender roles
Most French ladies work to earn a living, and dual-career families are becoming more common.
They still expect women to perform routine tasks in France, including cooking, housework, and childcare. The women frown at the thought of reversing gender roles.
Language barrier
In recent times, more French women are beginning to speak English. France is one of the most visited countries in the world. It brings about the necessity for service industry experts to communicate in English. As a result, most women who work in France tourist centers, hotels, and restaurants can communicate with foreigners.

French personality vs American personality
French and American women do share some similarities in personality. Consider some of them.
Feminism is not limited to both women in the United States and France. They led various feminist movements, which developed over time, creating gender equality. Recently, feminism has had a significant influence on politics. Also, many women in America describe themselves in some way using the term “feminism.” American women want equal rights, and so do French women as well.
American women are strong-willed; they believe in their abilities, and their accomplishments speak for them. Challenging situations do not deter these women because they can conquer anything. French women are also confident in their abilities, but they recognize their limitations. The women are elegant and take pride in being independent.
First step
Based on stereotypes, French females don’t date. While that is hardly the case, a French lady expects men to make advances at her before she accepts a proposal. Don’t expect her to take the first step to declare her feelings for you.
The American girl is bold and expressive; she never hesitates to declare her interest in a man. If she likes you, she will own up to it.
How to differentiate French girls from Americans
Before we delve into this aspect, understand that generalizations may not always define a person. Yet, the best we can do is identify particular traits or defining qualities of both sets of women.
The significant difference between French women vs American women is their accents. You can quickly tell a French woman from how she speaks, even if it’s English.
The French woman’s style is all about being confident in her skin. Her self-assurance is what gives the ‘French woman’ concept its power. She appreciates that looking beautiful comes from within. In contrast, American women love flashy bold colors with fascinating fashion choices. Women in America will focus on getting hairdos and manicures before a party.
The typical French girl is glamorous, sultry, natural, laid-back, and elegant. Her lips look natural and soft, with just the right amount of makeup to attract attention.
What do French women think of American men?
In general terms, French women hold American guys in high regard because they exemplify most qualities these women want
They’re Handsome
Most French women find American men attractive. Although they are not impressed by toned abs and cockiness, they like men in the U.S who look fit. They are irresistible, and French girls love the American accent.
They’re Romantic
French women think that if they date an American man, the relationship will have no flaws. They also believe that men in the United States aren’t too demanding and are experts in chivalry.
They’re good in bed
American men do not have limits to going with a woman, and French women recognize that. A typical French lady thinks that most American men have good masculinity, which, most times, means having excellent skills in bed. Many of them admit getting attracted to American men for that reason.
They are understanding about women’s careers and interests
American men develop themselves and want the same for their women. He supports his woman and makes sacrifices to help her advance her career because he wants to see her happy and fulfilled. Many French women picture having such men in their lives, and they think American males are a good fit.
We have discussed relevant subjects about French vs American women. The bottom line, both sets of women are unique yet similar in many ways, including self-confidence, independence, and a sense of obligation to family.