Should you Date Cambodia Women?
It may seem that all people are different, and you can’t get bored with meeting or even dating new women, but it’s not. No matter what anyone says, people of different nations and ethnicities have their own characteristics and features. If you think that all girls you meet are too similar and it gets on your nerves, don’t despair. You still can meet women from other countries, even without leaving your house. The Internet lets you connect with people living on other continents. So, for example, why not date Cambodian women?
Many men are obsessed with exotic women, and Asian girls are one of the most popular among Western men. If you ask yourself whether you should date Cambodia women or not and can’t find the answer, you probably know nothing about these ladies. However, we may say that the answer is too obvious. Of course, you should. Let’s leave aside the appearance and discuss it later because it’s not the first and foremost reason you should date these ladies, although they really look special.
Cambodian women can boast of many other features that may be good reasons to date them. First of all, the majority of women in Cambodia are romantic by nature. Nowadays, finding a girl who appreciates romance is very rare, but at the same time, it’s great happiness. A Cambodian girl will do her best to keep things spicy, and each date will be special. However, she should feel that you give something back to keep the fire alive for a long time.
The fact that girls in Cambodia value simplicity is also worth mentioning. Unlike the majority of Western-cultured ladies who chase power and wealth, Cambodian women prefer heart-melting romantic gestures and actions over expensive gifts. Greed isn’t about them. Doesn’t it sound like a compelling reason to try dating them? It will be a whole new experience for you if you are used to dating Western girls. And we guarantee that you won’t regret this decision.
No one wants to date a too private girl. If you belong to this category of men, feel free to meet Cambodian women because they are charming and friendly. These ladies easily find a common language with everyone, so you may not worry: she will become a close person to all your friends and be accepted within your family. Innate charm is what helps them attract people. It’s no wonder that you may fall in love with a Cambodian girl at first sight.
If you decided to find a guide on dating Cambodian women, you probably aim to start a long-term relationship; otherwise, exploring their character and nature makes no sense. Each man has a different concept of the ideal wife, but most men will agree that a wife should be compassionate and understanding. Fortunately, Cambodian women can boast of having these features. Relationships with one of Cambodia ladies will help you understand how it is to feel the support of a beloved woman. If you manage to marry a Cambodian woman, problems and hardships should fear you because your wife is loyal to you, and she will support you under any circumstances.
Cambodian Dating Culture
Cambodian women are among the most charming ladies in Asia. It’s common for men to oversee such ladies. Still, if you’ve come across them, it’ll be hard to focus on other ladies. Thus, why not discover more about these unique women. When dating them, you should consider the following:
- Religious background. Religion plays a key role in society where Buddhism is still prevalent. When dating ladies from Cambodia, you should treat them accordingly, as things like public displays of affection aren’t common.
- Marriage-focused relationships. If you’re not interested in getting married to Cambodian women, it can be hard to attract their attention. Thus, you need to have serious intentions before approaching these charming ladies.
- Family values. For a Cambodian woman, it’s important to get the approval of her parents before she gets married to anyone. Thus, you better be ready to meet her family before you start dating them.
- Group dating. Your Cambodian lady will start dating her relatives and friends. It’ll be crowded at the beginning. It takes time before you can meet her without any entourage. Before this takes place, you should be patient enough.
How is it to live in Cambodia?

Moving to a new country is always a stressful experience. However, when you move to a neighboring country, you may not see any difference. But the same cannot be said of moving to a faraway country from you, for example, Cambodia. The difference in lifestyle and mentality of people will be colossal. No matter what makes you move to this country: Cambodian women, a business trip, the curiosity about a new experience, or the desire to start a new life. We want to help you make the right decision, so here is a quick overview of living in Cambodia.
The first you should do is to decide where you should live. Cambodia is a developing country, so you may even live in an urban area; it won’t be too expensive. Certain cities, such as Sihanoukville and Phnom Penn are perfect for people who have recently moved to Cambodia. Stay in a hotel or guesthouse while you find a property to rent or buy.
You may be interested in the cost of living in Cambodia. In general, it’s cheap, but let’s not forget that it depends on a person’s habits and lifestyle. You’ll have to spend money on the apartment and food. Add expenditures on entertainment here if you want. If you are used to choosing luxury options everywhere, you may feel the lack of money even in such a cheap country like Cambodia, so evaluate your income and decide how much money you can spend.
The income depends on your profession. Most people who moved to Cambodia can earn 4000-6000 dollars monthly. You must be self-motivated and determined. This mindset will help you find a good job, adapt to living in a new country, and interacting with new people without undue stress. Since Cambodia is located in South-East Asia, the climate here is rather hot. There are rain seasons sometimes, but they don’t last long.
Living in Cambodia has certain drawbacks, but we can’t list them all here. Read more about them before moving to this country and changing your life.
Guide On Cambodian Women: All You Need To Know
We’ve convinced you to start dating Cambodian women and told you the key information about living in Cambodia, so it’s the right time for you to explore their nature. Throughout history, women in this country were considered to be homemakers. Traditions and customs required them to be quiet, humble, well-bread, and loyal to their husbands. Modern Cambodian women for marriage still respect their traditions, but they became more and more active in the spheres of work that were traditionally earmarked for men.
This short but comprehensive guide will give you all the necessary information on dating Cambodian women.
3 Inspirational Cambodian Women You Should Know

Before we get to the point, we want to tell you about three inspirational Cambodian women who became famous. This information will expand your horizon and, perhaps, even help you to surprise your Cambodian mail order bride during your conversation on a first date.
Thavry Thon
Many Cambodian women are raised in strict families that follow the traditions of Cambodian society. As you understand, this society is mainly patriarchal. Arranged marriage, domestic violence, life in poverty, and the need to work on the farms all their lives is what most Cambodian women face. Thavry Thon is an inspirational example for all women who face such obstacles. She released a book where she told her story and convinced all women to challenge the norms and traditions against all odds.
Vannary San
This woman is a famous Cambodian designer, but her special mission distinguishes her from other designers in this country. Vannary San aims to reclaim the Cambodian silk industry. By the way, Cambodian silk weaving is one of the country’s landmarks. She made a great effort to revive ancient art and promote it. Moreover, Vannary San tries to help people beat poverty by employing local people.
Rachana Chhoeurng
Rachana Chhoeurng is a key person in the LGBT community of Cambodia. As you understand, LGBT people in Cambodia try not to reveal their belonging to it. Society is biased against this community, and it’s no surprise because a similar situation is observed in many other developing countries. Rachana Chhoeurng dared to come out as a lesbian, she faced prejudices and discrimination, but now she works with certain social organizations to help the LGBT community in Cambodia survive.
Why Are Cambodian Women so Popular?
If you open any online dating site and try to find a Cambodian woman here, you’ll see that the number of Cambodian mail order brides is large enough. It indicates the high popularity of these South-East Asian beauties among Western men. But what are the reasons for making these women so popular?
They are extremely beautiful
Men adore women with exotic appearance, and Cambodian women are such. You can notice Asian facial features in Cambodian women, but they still are unique. Women can’t be confused with women of other nationalities. Dark hair and dark eyes are peculiar to each Cambodian girl. Most of them have slim figures. Do you still question their popularity? You shouldn’t forget that beauty is of minor importance when you choose a woman to date. Pay more attention to personal qualities.
They are family-oriented
The Cambodian traditions have done the trick. Even those girls that seem to be forward-looking and modern are still conservative enough. But so far as you’re looking for serious relationships, this feature is an advantage for you. Cambodian mail order brides dream about starting a family and do it with the person they love. Almost all Cambodian women are against long-term relationships and one-night stands, and they quickly reveal men’s intentions.
They speak excellent English
Sometimes men don’t agree to date foreign women because of a language barrier. Cambodian women for marriage are different: they know English well, so you won’t have any difficulties communicating. More and more young people in Cambodia try to learn English as soon as possible because it offers them a better future, and Cambodian women aren’t the exception.
They adore children
Western-cultured ladies focus on themselves and their careers, and family often takes a back seat. Cambodian brides are different. Family and children become their meaning of life, and these women are very proud of it. Start a family with a Cambodian woman to feel the love and care they can give to you and your children. Even if your Cambodian wife is employed somewhere, your children won’t feel the lack of the mother’s attention, and it’s amazing.
Cambodian Women Dating Tips
Different thinking and different mentalities are felt when you start dating Cambodian women. It’s not always easy for you two to understand each other’s thoughts and intentions, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t win the heart of the woman you like. Here are several effective dating tips that will help you to build a happy relationship:
- Organize romantic evenings sometimes. You already know that Cambodian women adore romance. If you date a woman from Cambodia and want to win her affection faster, follow this advice. Find some good ideas for a romantic date on the Internet and implement the one you like in reality to see her shining eyes.
- Be polite. You must know that being polite is the key to success in everything, especially when it comes to dating Cambodian women. These ladies often suffer from inappropriate attitudes; that’s why you must do your best to show her that you’re a decent man.
- Respect local customs and traditions. Modern Cambodian women are influenced by Western culture, but they remain committed to their local culture. You have to remember about it and never say anything bad about Cambodian traditions.
- Talk more about family. Showing your Cambodian girlfriend that you’re a family-oriented man is one of the keys to her heart. Mention family as often as possible during your conversation. Ask her about her relatives, tell her about your own family, or even express the wish to get acquainted with her parents. It will knock her down with a feather.
Summing up: Cambodian Women VS American Women
If you decided to read this guide, you weren’t convinced about the type of woman that can become the love of all your life. We know the good way to understand it: to compare Cambodian women to American girls since these two nationalities are rather popular among men. American women are more independent and straightforward.
They have no prejudices, so you may openly express your intentions. If you want to find a woman for a short-term affair, go to America rather than Cambodia. American girls aren’t surrounded by traditions and customs, so nothing prevents them from doing what they want. Meeting an American girl with strong family values and the desire to start a family is very rare because they prefer to live free lives and devote themselves to advancing their career. However, it doesn’t mean that American women don’t look for gentlemen. They adore polite and well-mannered men who know how to win a woman’s heart.
Cambodian women can’t boast of having the features American women have, but it doesn’t make them worse. Quite the opposite, those men who think of starting a long-term relationship, marrying a woman, and founding a family will find happiness with Cambodian brides. The prejudices and respect for traditions don’t prevent Cambodian women from living a good life and enjoying it. Let’s not forget that the influence of Western culture also does the job. Cambodian mail order brides are a good fit almost for any kind of man..