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    German Women Vs American Women: Who’s Better?

    Read up to resolve an American women vs German women debate
    American men nowadays are drawn to women from other nationalities like moths to a flame, and German ladies are at the top of their wishlist. Fortunately, these ladies are attracted to American men too because of their handsomeness and perceived statuses. German women want to break out of the lifestyle that they have come to know in Germany, and an excellent way to do that is to marry American men.

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    On the other hand, many American men are looking to spice up their love lives. It seems their best bet at finding the missing piece of their love puzzle is by dating foreign women. German women represent a different taste than what American men are used to, which is a challenge. Fortunately, American men have never been known to back down from a challenge, especially in love and relationships. So if you are one of such men and are trying to weigh your choices between your local women and German ladies, you’ve found the right article.

    beauty of german woman

    How are German women different from US women? 

    When looking at German women vs American women, we should first examine their differences and what stands out for each woman. Here are a few ways in which German women differ from American women:


    German women are stunning, and all their feminine features are visible even under conservative clothing. They are usually blonde, with blue or gray eyes, rectangular noses, and full lips. You can almost see the innocence in the eyes of a German woman. 

    German women typically have long, straight or wavy hair, while American women have to add extensions to make their hair seem longer. An American woman has a longer face, full cheeks, blue eyes, and blonde hair. There are not many blondes in America, as many of them change their hair color and become brunettes as they grow, partly due to the ‘dumb blonde’ stereotype.


    German women grow up in conservative settings where they have to respect everyone, especially men. The women learn proper manners as they grow. In some German homes, women called governesses are in charge of raising German girls; their job is to make sure that a German girl grows into a prim and proper woman who would not shame her family. 

    On the other hand, American women enjoy more freedom and liberality unless they come from deeply religious families. Traditional manners are lost on some American women, thanks to the influence of social media. Nowadays, as long as an American woman feels good about something, she will do it without seeking permission from her man. 

    Education and religious beliefs 

    German women are very educated; they take their education so seriously that they often go all the way to getting a doctorate. German women hope to increase their desirability as they move onto adulthood, which is one of the many reasons that drive their want for proper education. The parents of a German girl put so much effort into her schooling.

    On the other hand, American girls mostly decide what to do with their lives after high school. They can choose to get further education and certifications or start a business without worrying about external influences. Also, religion is a big part of the average German household, unlike the modern-day American, who considers less religious beliefs like agnosticism and atheism.


    American women are highly emancipated because of the gospel of feminism. Feminism has penetrated the American education system, so American girls grow up with an emancipated mindset. The German system does not allow for emancipation, as it discouraged during their formative years. German women grow up bound to traditional rules, making them more prone to listening to instructions and following laws. 

    Attitude to family life 

    Traditionally, Germans love the idea of marriage and raising children. A German woman, once married, would work towards starting a home and taking care of it. On the other hand, an American woman may not like the idea of being tied down by a family, especially if she has different aspirations.

    Other times, an American woman may not just see marriage and children as something she wants to go for, so she would settle for a long-term partnership instead. Many older American women have settled for mutually beneficial relationships over time; this has become a trend with even younger women. Germany is not very comfortable with the idea of out-of-wedlock partnerships, so their ladies learn to adjust to family life.

    German girls vs. American girls: What to expect while dating?

    If you are going to date a German girl, you need to understand the dating scene for German women vs American women. Dating a German woman is entirely different from dating an American woman in the following ways: 

    German women want marriage 

    Some American women may never bring up the marriage conversation as she is a live-in-the-moment kind of person. However, a German woman will not waste that much time with you. Now, because she is not a forward woman, she may never ask you why marriage is not on the table, but you will sense her silent disapproval with how things are going. So if you are going to date a German woman, understand that marriage will be at the top of her plans.

    A German woman does not jump into relationships

    If you want a relationship that starts immediately after the first date, you are better off with an American woman. A German woman will make you work hard to win her interest. German women have the prospect of marriage at the back of their minds, so they don’t date any Tom, Dick, and Harry. 

    She may already like you while making you go the extra mile to prove your seriousness and your commitment to her. Meanwhile, Americans believe in love at first sight; they can start a relationship with you the next day after you meet them if they like you. They want to know how committed you are to spending the rest of your life with them, and as such, they will not just jump into a relationship with you.

    German women are not very emotional 

    German women don’t wear their hearts on their sleeves. It will take a while before you see the emotional side of a German woman. German women think rationally and objectively before dating men, instead of letting their feelings guide them. If a German woman eventually agrees to a relationship with you, best believe there has been a thorough thinking and planning process that went into it. On the other hand, American women are very open with their emotions and can fall in love with you at first laugh.

    German women are open-minded 

    German women are eager to learn about the world and people, so they will listen with rapt attention when you talk to them about your culture. On the other hand, many American women are pretty set in their ways, especially when it comes to learning about other cultures and countries. Instead of keeping an open mind, they often stick to what they learned in school, which may become an issue if they date from other nationalities.

    German Mentality Vs. American Mentality 

    You should understand the mentalities of German vs American women before choosing a suitable partner. It is understandable that their actions heavily mirror their society, legal systems and environmental pressures. You can summarize their different actions in the following categories:

    Following the Law 

    The German government still insists on swift judgment for lawbreakers, which helps keep their citizens in line. German women understand the dire consequences of committing crimes, so they try to follow laws. Americans, however, appear in international tabloids for lawless actions now and then. The citizens often question the fairness of their judicial systems, which affects their tendency to obey its laws.

    perfect american women

    Politeness And Smiles

    German women tend to mind their own business and rarely talk to strangers. When in America, however, you will get unbridled smiles from everyone. American women are more polite and often smile and accommodate strangers because of the country’s cultural diversity. If politeness and courtesy are deal-breakers in your relationships, go for an American woman.


    If you were trying to get somewhere in Germany and used Google Maps, you would find out that many of the houses are blurred out. Germans are so private that you cannot photograph their homes. You cannot also take pictures of random people on the streets of Germany. Americans are not as private as Germans, but they are very personal, and they have boundaries that they don’t want anyone to cross. Both German and American women are very private, which they have in common.


    We have stated before that American women wear their hearts on their sleeves, unlike German women, who put a lot of thought into falling in love and dating. If a German woman confesses that she has fallen for you, best believe her because she has thought deeply about how she feels about you and ensures it’s more than infatuation. However, American women fall in love too quickly for them to reach the soulful part of the conversation. So between German women vs American women, the former is more soulful. 

    Attitude Towards Money

    Germany is a socialist nation, so they believe in more communal spending and earning situations. America is a capitalist state, so you can spend your money however you please. Seeing as American women work for their own money, they always spend their money and whatever money they get on whatever they like. Do not expect an American woman to be frugal with her money. A German wife will manage their money better and use it for the family. 

    German Women Culture 

    To marry a German woman, you must understand the German women’s culture and how it benefits you, so here are some things about the culture of German women:

    They Get Married Early 

    German women are looking to get married when you meet them, and this starts in their 20s, when they must have finished building a career they would like. German women are more interested in getting married than building meaningless relationships, so they get married as soon as they have their lives in order. The oldest age you would find an unmarried German woman is 28. 

    Gender Roles 

    Women in Germany do not have as much political and social influence as their male counterparts. In Germany, men take the lead while women follow whatever rules they set. Germany believes so much in gender roles, so your German wife already believes that her job is to take care of your home and raise the children. If you were looking for a traditional wife, a German woman is your best bet because she already understands the gender roles assigned to women.

    Language Barrier 

    If you are an American man looking to marry a German lady, you should be ready for issues stemming from the language barrier between both of you. German women do not speak English, so many things may be lost in translation when you both communicate. You need to figure out how to properly communicate with a German woman, as they may take things like jokes and sarcasm too literally since they don’t understand you.

    German Personality vs American 

    German and American women have different personalities because of how they grew up, and here are some aspects where their differences show up:


    American women fought for and maintained feminism, while many German women were never interested in the idea of feminism. German women are not rulers or leaders; they leave that aspect of things to their men. On the other hand, Americans are always protesting over one feminist agenda or the other. So German women are easier to live with since they are not fragile bombs of sensitivity sponsored by hate for patriarchy. 


    German women are very confident because they are brilliant. Granted, they are submissive and will willingly go under the authority of a man, but it does not mean that you can diminish them. Their educational capabilities are part of the reasons they are very confident.

    First Step 

    A German woman, just like an American woman, may sometimes take the first step if she is interested in you. However, when she does so, you must understand that she is not coming to you for a meaningless relationship; she is interested in building a life with you. She will take the first step and will surrender the reins of the relationship and courtship to you as soon as you notice her.

    How to Differentiate German Girls From Americans? 

    There are different ways to differentiate German girls from American girls, and here are a few of them. German women:

    • Have rectangular noses while American ladies have pointed noses.
    • Are taller than American women.
    • Rarely put on makeup, unlike the fashion-conscious Americans.
    • Rarely use beauty products, unlike American women.
    • Have blue or gray eyes 
    • Have long blonde hair.

    What do German women think of American men?

    German women are attracted to American men for different reasons, and here are some of them:

    They’re handsome

    Thanks to Hollywood’s portrayal of American men, German women think most American guys are handsome and mostly go for their looks. People will argue that European men are hotter than American men, but clearly, German women disagree with that.

    They’re romantic 

    American men are the poster child for romantic relationships, and they have all the songs, flowers, and stuffed animals to make it perfect, so they make the ideal romantic partners. Every girl, American or German, indeed loves the idea of candlelit dinners and men making romantic efforts to please them.

    They’re good in bed 

    Many American men watched a lot of porn in their youth. Others became sexually active early, which theoretically adds up to knowing how to please a woman in bed. Sexual satisfaction is essential to German women, so this is one of the reasons they love American men.

    They’re understanding of women’s career and interests

    The good thing about the constant feminist protests in America is that American men are now more aware of the needs of the American woman, including the need to build a career. American men are very supportive of the careers of their women, and German women want this. German women are very career-oriented, working hard to reach peaks despite the highly patriarchal society they find themselves in, so they love men who support them.

    James Preece
    Dating Coach
    James is an expert in international dating and helps many men navigate through the best choice, be it for dating or marriage. He conveys the real sense of how you can approach choosing the best match. He consistently helps our site get the best and up-to-date content to shed light on dating online and its perks. Besides, he’s a talented writer who makes it easy to understand the peculiarities of international women for dating and marriage.
    American men want German women, but many of them don’t want to blindly go into a relationship with these ladies, which is why you are here now. You want to see if German women are better than American women. In summary, German women are better for men who wish to marry traditional wives with a bit of rebellion, which can be sexy. This piece on German women vs American women will help you gain a better perspective on your journey to dating and marriage.
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