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    What You Need to Know About Russian Women Vs American Women
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    What You Need to Know About Russian Women Vs American Women

    Russian women: why do American men prefer them to their women?
    Over time, American men have derived pleasure in seeking out foreign women for companionship and marriage. These women come from different parts of the world, but recently, the spotlight seems to have fallen on Russian, Ukrainian, and Slovakian women. But why?

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    American men believe women with diverse cultural values are exciting, and Russian women are as different from American ladies as possible. But apart from this, what other characteristics do Russian women have that American men cannot find in their local women? The answer to this question has spearheaded the Russian vs American women debate.

    How are Russian women different from US women?

    There are numerous ways in which Russian women are different from American women, and we will be looking at the following factors:


    In every crime movie, the Russian girl is the slender, tall, redhead, or blonde female with a pointed nose. The face of a Russian woman looks like something straight out of a fantasy romance film, thanks to her perfect proportions. A Russian woman’s cheekbones are perfectly heightened, with a straight jawline that runs into a perfect triangular curve at the bottom of her face.

    Beauty of american woman

    Russian women are slender and tall and have the perfect feminine gait. On the other hand, many American women look a little rough around the edges, and their hair is not as perfect as the Russians. Then the most obvious physical difference is in the height department as the average American woman is not as tall as a Russian woman, which works in the former’s favor.


    Blame it on liberality, but many American ladies today no longer have the traditional good manners expected from women. On the other hand, a Russian girl is raised in a community where she learns to act like a lady, look prim, and behave appropriately. As a result of the training the Russian girls get in their formative years, they often grow into pleasant women.

    American women, however, are influenced by the society they live in, the liberties they have been given, and the men who indulge them. All of these things make American women exhibit bad manners sometimes. For instance, instead of apologizing when wrong, American women would explain their behaviors and expect the men to understand them. So as far as acceptable social behaviors go, the Russian women vs American women debate tilts in favor of the Russians.

    Education and religious beliefs

    In America, certain liberties come with formal education, which isn’t the case in Russia. For example, while 60% of American women get a college education, it’s mostly their choice. Meanwhile, Russians take their learning pretty seriously.

    The educational system in Russia is a little more complex than in other parts of the world. So if a Russian woman decides to skip college, her level of education is already pretty standard. It is easier to find a not-so-educated American woman than it is to find a Russian woman without a degree.

    Although the US is a predominantly Christian country, many citizens are not religious at all. Their daily lives don’t reflect the teachings in their scriptures. On the other hand, Russia is a very religious country overall. You would always find a Russian Christian woman. And so, many men looking for spiritual women are beginning to pick interest in Russian ladies instead of Americans.


    American women fought for years to work and earn a decent living. As a result of the struggle they had to deal with, getting a Russian lady to drop her career ambitions will be nearly impossible. On the other hand, many Russian women still believe that raising a home is as fulfilling as leading a company.

    An American woman may fight you if you try to make her tone down on her ambitions to raise a home. If push gets to shove, many of them won’t mind getting a divorce. The idea of a man as the head and provider of a home is slowly dying as more and more American women aim to be as or more successful than men in the corporate world.

    Attitude to family life

    Russian women relish the experience of raising a family. They always want to be part of a larger community to nurture and care for their loved ones. While American women love raising families too, they don’t like the idea of an extended family very much. In fact, some of them seek unorthodox partnerships instead of conventional marriages just to retain some freedom. And this technical circumvention of the need for a divorce may be why they have lower divorce rates than Russians.

    Russian girls vs. American girls: What to expect while dating?

    If your entire dating experience has been with an American woman, you will need some significant reorientation before entering into a relationship with a Russian woman. The dating scene is different in both countries. And what works for an American woman may not work for a Russian because of the difference in their formative years and societal influences. For instance:

    A Russian woman will not hit on you

    Yes, she may give you the green light with her body language and a few eye contacts here and there, but a Russian woman will not outrightly hit on you. On the other hand, an American woman will have no issues walking up to you, dropping a compliment, and then asking for your number. Many American women don’t bother about who should approach first, while Russian women think men should do all the wooing.

    A Russian woman will let you take the lead

    You may want your woman to come up with date ideas that the both of you can explore, and that is fine. However, you will only get that from American women, as Russian women will leave everything for you to plan. American women are easy to date in this regard because you do not have to stress yourself to figure out what they want; they will tell you their preferences, unlike the more passive Russian ladies.

    A Russian woman won’t split the bills

    If you support the current social dynamics of dating in America, you cannot date a Russian woman. For one, American women would insist on sharing the bills and may even offer to cover the costs of the date. They do this to solidify the idea of gender equality.

    On the other hand, Russian women will sit pretty while you swipe your card for everything. The patriarchy favors Russian women, and they are unwilling to let it go just yet, so brace yourself and your account balance when dating a Russian woman. She will want to be taken to lovely places and expects that you pay for all these nice places.

    You have to woo a Russian woman properly

    Russian women follow traditional dating tropes where a man has to chase after a woman for a while to impress her. So if you are going to date a Russian woman, you may need to return to the old Shakespearean books to learn how to chase a woman properly. You have to get her gifts and flowers and call or text her regularly to get her to even talk to you.

    With an American woman, things are a little more straightforward. If you have to chase an American woman for a long time, she doesn’t like you and probably never will. If an American woman wants you, she will respond favorably from the onset, assuming she does not ask you out first.

    You will not get invited in after the first date

    Getting invited in after the first date only happens in American movies. In real life, a Russian woman will rarely invite you into her home after the first date. American ladies are a little more liberal, so after the first date, you may even spend the night together. Russian women would have you go on so many dates before she introduces you to the family, and even then, she may still not get intimate with you.

    Russian Mentality vs. American Mentality

    We would understand the Russian women vs American women debate better once we knew why they behave the way they do. Here are some of the ways we can explain and understand their mentalities:

    Following the law

    The American system is liberal, and even though they have to obey the law, defaulters sometimes get a slap on the wrist, or the law is twisted to favor a particular set of people. In Russia, failure to adhere to the law comes with severe penalties. Russians must follow the country’s rules, or the authorities will punish them severely.

    Politeness and smiles

    Americans are more polite and open to smiling with just about everyone. It does not matter the surrounding situation; an American will maintain a smiling face, except when showing disdain. On the other hand, a Russian will not smile at you unless the situation calls for it. In Russia, people will think you are strange for having a smile on your face when you do not know them. You have to earn politeness from a Russian, which many movies have tried to depict in their portrayal of Russians as mean and rough people.


    Russian culture is a communal culture that encourages people to interact socially, bringing people closer. Russians are regularly found in the company of family and friends, talking over each other and giving hugs that linger for too long. While Americans are very open and cheerful, they often won’t want you in their personal space unless they are comfortable with you. Their unwillingness to let you cross boundaries may make them come across as rude and unwelcoming.


    American women are not mysterious; they will express whatever they feel at any point and move on. While this behavior means that arguments and disagreements while dating an American woman won’t linger, it also threatens the longevity of a relationship with her. The average American woman would quickly move on to the next person with the slightest discomfort. Russian women are more soulful in this regard, in that they feel deeply. It takes a lot for a Russian woman to let herself loose and fall in love with someone, so it is not fleeting when they do.

    Attitude towards money

    American women make their own money half the time and have no problem buying out the entire catalog of forever 21 if they want to. Russian women believe they should always use money for important things like family care and development. So, Russian women are misers to an extent, only spending on essential items. Meanwhile, American women will spend their money the same way they will spend theirs; on all the things they like.

    Russian Women Culture

    Knowing that many men like Russian women for the potential cultural diversity they bring into romantic relationships, you are probably interested in learning some aspects of their culture that may influence your relationship with them. So here is everything you need to know about the culture of Russian women:

    Marriageable ages

    Unlike their American counterparts, Russian women will not wait long before they marry. When Russian women are 18, many enter arranged marriages for different reasons. If a Russian woman is beautiful and from a good family, as early as 18, she begins to get suitors, and at 22, she is already married. By 25, many Russian women are already married with kids.

    Gender roles

    There are limitations to how high a Russian woman can climb up the corporate ladder. Russians are highly patriarchal and believe that women are beneath and subservient to men even in corporate situations. So no matter how ambitious a Russian lady is, at some point in her life, those around her will expect her to take the backseat on chasing ambitions and retire to full-time homemaking, tending to the needs of her husband and children.

    Language barrier

    The language barrier is non-existent when you are dating American women, especially if you are a fluent English speaker. On the other hand, many Russian women do not speak English fluently, so entering a relationship with one means that you either learn Russian or endure her grammatical blunders. But remember that, due to the language barrier, many things will be lost in translation, and you may end up offending her a lot.

    Pretty russian girl

    Russian Personality vs. American

    The next step in the Russian women vs American women debate involves understanding the personalities of both groups.


    Western women have fought for equal rights and equal pay for decades. In Russia, the women know their society-given place and do not fight it. The patriarchal system of Russia works for the women as they are protected and provided for by their men, so they do not complain. American women prefer to control the narrative as often as possible, thus influencing their personalities.

    Confidence levels

    American women demonstrate more markers of self-confidence than Russian women, probably because of their formative years and their learning growing up. Russian women are also confident, but they don’t mind letting someone else have their way for the sake of peace. They are quieter and will usually keep to themselves unless they are family or comfortable with you.

    First Step

    Waiting for the Russian woman to make the first step is like waiting for a new season of Kyle XY or Legend of the seeker; it won’t happen. Over time, the Russian woman has learned that the men are supposed to come to her for courtship. On the other hand, American women will make the first step if they like you and see that you are not making a move. As long as they have their sights on you, they will take the first step in starting a relationship.

    How to Differentiate Russian Girls From Americans?

    Differentiating Russian women from American women is easy, and here are a few ways you can do that. Russian women:

    • Are taller than American women
    • Have longer hair than American women
    • Have well-defined faces
    • Are more homely
    • Are less confident and won’t look you in the eye
    • Are more educated than American women
    • May not speak fluent English, and they speak with an accent when they do
    • Do not talk unless they are told to by someone

    Understanding what sets Russian ladies apart from Americans will help you decide which group to target while using online dating sites. But rest assured that no matter the group you choose, your ability to adapt to their expectations and behaviors will ultimately determine how smoothly the relationship will go.

    James Preece
    Dating Coach
    James is an expert in international dating and helps many men navigate through the best choice, be it for dating or marriage. He conveys the real sense of how you can approach choosing the best match. He consistently helps our site get the best and up-to-date content to shed light on dating online and its perks. Besides, he’s a talented writer who makes it easy to understand the peculiarities of international women for dating and marriage.
    If you want to date a Russian woman as an American man, learning about them will stop you from making costly mistakes like expecting them to behave like the American girls you are used to. Discard the playbook you use for dating American women when you start going for Russian women because it won’t help you. Instead, bookmark this article and use it as a guide; its contents will teach you all you need to know when choosing between a Russian and an American girl.
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