Japan is famous for having a rich culture, food, and unique entertainment. There is another interesting part of Japan – its women. Japanese girls are as interesting as the way of life in the country. Some things that seem acceptable in other places are either scorned or viewed as weird in Japan.
Since you are aspiring to have a Japanese bride, you need information about these women that will guide you in your relationship with them.
The following tips were culled from the experiences of other Americans who have succeeded in having a stable relationship with Japanese women.
Although there are no guarantees that you will win every single Japanese girl you go after, using the information from this guide will greatly increase your chances of having a lasting and satisfying love life with a Japanese girl.
One thing you should keep in mind is that being respectful and displaying your best qualities is crucial to getting a partner that is best for you.
How Can I Date a Japanese Woman? 10 insights from American men on dating Japanese women
Men who desire to be with Japanese women can gather information from the experiences of other western men. The following are conclusions that some men- have made from their Japanese relationships. We will call them Joe, Jim, Tony, and Lloyd.
Anime are just cartoons
Many times, people develop an interest in Japan as a result of the anime they watch. This creates a false belief that Japanese women will behave similarly to those in the anime shows. If you imagine that your relationship with a Japanese woman will be like something out of a romantic or comedy anime, it’s time to face reality.
American men who have dated Japanese women advise not to use words you hear in anime. According to them, it seldom reflects the reality of Japanese women.
In some cases, however, the innocence and the mentality of anime female characters are similar to those of the ladies. And on even rarer occasions, you may find some Japanese women who embody some anime traits but don’t go looking, you’ll be disappointed.
Understand the culture a bit better
A key problem in many international relationships is cultural differences. It is a noteworthy concern though. According to Jim, you don’t need more than a basic understanding of the culture. You don’t need to stress yourself about it. Dedicate your efforts towards knowing the individual. For instance, Americans are cool with sharing food from one person to another with a fork but it is considered bad manners to do the same with chopsticks in Japan.
It may be difficul to understand the culture of your Japanese partner at first. This may overwhelm you and drive you into deep research which is unnecessary. Just show a little interest and effort and the relationship will pick things up from there.
Marriage and children so soon…?
Some cultures have unwritten rules about when women should start their families. Although this is fading out in some cultures, Japanese brides are advised to get married before they are 30 years old.
According to Lloyd, the difference between an American woman and a Japanese woman is that the latter wants to marry and have children as soon as possible. The desire is even intense if she’s getting closer to age 30. Japanese women grow up with the idea that they should get settled into family life before age 30.
Although this may seem like a tradition amongst many nationalities, an average Japanese woman wants to get married early enough. For this reason, they expect men who want to be in a relationship with them to be serious about it.
Get familiar with the concept of Omoiyari
These are some notable characteristics of women in Japan that our American friends decided to share:
Joe says that Japanese women are reserved and polite with food, unlike American women. Tony says that they do not encourage disputes and would only call you out on your offense at times when they feel it’s appropriate.
These statements give relevance to Jim’s recommendation that men interested in having Japanese brides should learn about the Omoiyari culture. This means understanding how your actions concern other individuals- a vital ingredient for building great relationships.
Omoiyari is based on Japanese culture that promotes respect, care for other individuals, and your environment. The Japanese culture adores respect and demands that you consider how your actions will bother or affect other people.
When you understand the concept of Omoiyari, it becomes easy to associate with Japanese women and even build relationships with them.
What about the language barrier?
Many men wonder if they should learn Japanese. Despite what others may have to say, the popular vote goes towards learning the language.
Jim advises people who intend to date Japanese women to learn the language. Asides from the attempt to send a message to your partner that you care, it also eases communication. Relationships won’t work out if you can’t communicate.
Lloyd says some women don’t mind whether you learn their language or not. The relationship will progress if they like you but you will be better off understanding.
For Tony, having a little knowledge of Japanese is essential for a smooth relationship. Joe says that you should learn Japanese and make an effort to know certain useful words in Japanese.
In essence, having a fair grasp of the Japanese language is important at every stage. Although it helps improve communication with your partner, you also get the added benefit of feeling part of their society and culture.
Why would you ask about my blood type?
As stated earlier, it is common to experience culture shock when trying to date Japanese girls.
Joe says that he thought it weird for his Japanese lovers to ask about blood types.
In Japan, the people often have a high interest in the blood type of their prospective partners, just like westerners are concerned about Zodiac signs. They believe that you can get information about a person from their blood type. Being ignorant about your blood type can get you a lot of uncomfortable stares in Japan.
Lloyd also advised that you prepare to get used to their different cooking methods. You will need to get used to eating meat that has been barely cooked. The Japanese have high food standards.
Their dishes consist of raw fish (sashimi, sushi, and others). They also prepare some meals with raw meat or meat cooked in low heat like beef, basashi(raw horse meat), sparingly cooked chicken, etc. If you don’t eat them, the chances of seeing them around are high.
Another thing you’ll get used to is seeing people dry their clothes outside. You don’t need to adopt this habit but you’ll notice that they prefer sun-drying, to using dryers.
Dating can help you understand the culture better
Generally, you can learn more about Japanese culture by dating Japanese girls. Lloyd states that your Japanese relationship will give you an idea of how different the Japanese culture is from the Americans. A lot of them often visit shrines and temples for dates.
Tony mentions that Japanese people can influence you to take interest in things you weren’t aware of, such as the eating culture or general behavior towards the elderly, etc.
Joe says they can influence the way you treat people’s personal space or interpret the atmosphere.
However, Jim does not agree that you can learn a lot from dating Japanese girls. You still have to study their history, politics, and way of life if you want to know a lot.
Learn to read minds
Apart from being polite, Japanese people are also known for being enigmatic. There are individuals who rarely show their real feelings but it seems the Japanese take this attitude a notch higher.
Joe says that his dates often did not speak about the things they disliked.
Tony says that reading minds is a skill you’ll need to develop to date them. Since their culture makes them hide all of their feelings, it’s your job to use your fifth sense to detect certain things. They like to employ the concept of honne and tatemae.
Lloyd states that some of them may feel frustrated if they are not able to properly articulate their thoughts to you because of the language differences. It does not matter if she’s fluent in English.
Jim feels that where American women show assertion, the Japanese woman tilts towards passive aggression. This could be as a result of overlooking certain things until it becomes too much and results in an outburst.
Although these experiences are common, you should remember that every individual cannot behave in the same way.
The Japanese concept, honne to tatemae involves expressing something different from what you truly think or feel. This makes it a tad difficult to fully understand your partner’s needs. However, you can help your partner be more open towards you by making sure you create an environment where they can actually tell you everything they feel.
Is it true that…?
The number of tourists who visit Japan every year gives evidence of people’s love and interest in the country. These visits are also cloaked with high curiosities and hearsay that these tourists draw from the narrative they see on social media, anime, movies, and manga, etc. Many people who have not had interactions with the Japanese will always ask questions. These are questions that have been thrown out of curiosity:
Jim says that a lot of people have asked if it is okay to be lewd and whether the Japanese all watch anime. This is false.
Lloyd says people ask if the Japanese do everything they want. No, they don’t.
“Have you visited hostess bars or clubs?” Yes, but they didn’t excite me much.
“Do Japanese people pass out drunk? Yes.
Japanese people have a weird habit of not being able to deal with alcohol, although some do well.
Joe says that people have asked if they actually eat raw fish.
What should I take away?
Finally, there are some key points that should be followed by anyone who is interested in having a relationship with Japanese women or has already started.
Joe advises that you should be honest about your feelings. Find out what your lover is interested in and take her out to try lots of exotic meals.
Lloyd says it’s better to be true to yourself and understand the culture. You may choose to distance yourself from the culture but avoid disrespect.
Tony admonishes that there is no need to try extra hard when dating a Japanese woman. Stay true to yourself, understand the culture, and do not pretend.
These are helpful tips from those who have been in relationships with Japanese women. You’ll surely find them useful.
Japanese Dating Culture
What do you know about Japanese women? One of the main interesting facts about them is that they’re considered to be the smartest among Asian women. However, it’s not only their intelligence that makes them appealing. Have a look at women like Aya Omasa, Momo Hirai, Haruna Kawaguchi, and Mirei Kiritani. These ladies showcase how charming Japanese women can be. But what about their dating culture? Discover the following:
- Importance of offline dating. Japanese women are modern ladies. They value both modern and traditional values, but when it comes to dating, they like dating offline more than online. For them, online dating is just a step to offline dating, and this means that meeting them online is just the beginning of a great adventure.
- Being shy and enigmatic. Don’t forget that Japanese women aren’t open and direct like other ladies. You better be ready to read between lines. These women are shy to express their opinions, so it’s time to become Sherlock Holmes.
- Stating that you like your girlfriend. Inviting a girl for a date is a sign that you might like her. But not in Japan. There, you need to make your confession that you like your lady, which is the main expectation of your future girlfriend.
Advantages of Japanese Women
When a man is seeking true love, he already knows the qualities he wants in a woman. These are some reasons men love hot Japanese women.
They Know How To Offer Support
Marrying a Japanese bride is a sure way of giving your kids an amazing mother who will also shower you with love. They are selfless, good listeners, and have a genuine interest in showing support for their lovers. This trait is cherished in the present society because it is hard to find women that can balance self-improvement with caring for other people.
They Are Wise And Determined
A Japanese bride has a lot of wisdom from her life experiences. Right from when they’re girls, Japanese women learn patience and obedience. To add to all that training, the current society has molded them into personalities that express their opinions without fear. When you marry a Japanese woman, you will get a lot of advice from her on issues bothering you because she will be honest about the prospects of a situation by being more logical and less emotional about it.
In fact, because of their determination, it is not a rarity to find sexy Japanese women who initiate a date invitation. It is the same zeal that drives them towards seeking happiness on dating sites, so they can change their status and become brides.
Endurance And Industriousness
Endurance is one trait that average Japanese women cherish and embody. In Japanese culture, the attribute of endurance is taken seriously because it helps them maintain happiness even in the face of adversity.
They are often more optimistic about things, rarely think negatively, and take pride in the fact that they can persevere during difficult times.
Being the industrious women they are, running a household is easy for them.
They are used to solving big problems and building great attitudes that you cannot find elsewhere. Because of their mindset, they can balance their other activities by building their happiness and making a successful family.
These traits coupled with the understanding and wisdom they possess are reasons why they follow whatever action they do to the end. They do not let their beauty deter them from working hard and this is one of the reasons why men can’t get enough of them.
She Is Open To The New
Starting a relationship with a hot Japanese woman will make you aware of how happy the girls are to embrace changes, settle into circumstances, and still maintain a positive demeanor. Because of this positive attitude, it is easy for them to relocate to a new place where the only interaction will be from strangers. Men love this trait so well because it means they can travel to their own home with their Japanese bride with the assurance that she will fit in perfectly in no time. Being accommodating of new things does not make them naive and so you should not take them for granted because they’re fully aware of all their actions.
She Is Modest And Intelligent
Even with their wisdom and education, Japanese brides prefer to take the back seat and prepare themselves for a life of motherhood and marriage.
Despite having the rights to education and voting, they often prefer to leave most of these duties to men. An average Japanese woman takes up the role of a hostess in the home. Society respects good hostesses and so the girls aspire to receive such respect. You will find sexy Japanese women enrolling in cooking and home management courses to increase their desirability.
Why is Japanese Woman a Perfect Wife?
Many people marvel at the reason men travel down to the orient to marry Japanese women. The land of the rising sun is famous for many things including the fact that they have women that make quality wives. Their perfection comes from the many interesting traits they have. These are some qualities that make them perfect for marriage:
Family-Oriented Mindset
It is important for you to have a knowledge of how the woman arranges her family affairs and caters to their needs efficiently. An average woman from Japan is quite energetic and often transfers this energy to setting up the family, managing the needs of every individual, and building peace.
In the current society, Japanese brides are so energetic they have to spare almost the same amount of time for other life activities. A Japanese bride ready for marriage has already mastered the act of dividing her effort and time between house chores, making food, and self-grooming. Men crave women with the mastery of these skills and since this is a characteristic of almost every Japanese lady, they’re drawn to the land of the rising sun.
Common Sense
It’s not enough to know how to do house chores and delegate house duties to ensure they are met. Most men also want women who have sound practical judgment. A Japanese bride will make you feel calm when she accompanies you to a business meeting or to see a group of friends. She has excellent etiquette for different occasions and is also stylish. You need not have to worry about her demeanor because she carries herself elegantly and intelligently and only chooses words that reflect the same. This is a common skill for women in Japan due to their education, and the training they receive to develop a good attitude.
Solid Education
On average, Japanese people receive a high-quality education. A bride from Japan has received adequate education that places them on a high standard in society. Well educated Japanese women have the best qualities because they’re wiser and more reliable. They have a fair grasp of the English language proving that they are interested in creating careers, learning more languages, and gathering more skills. Although the current society is unpredictable, marrying a wife with a good education will give many men a soft landing and help them face some difficulties that they thought were insurmountable.
Role Model
The beauty of hot Japanese women sparks so much interest from people around their country, including other women who adopt them as role models. They are charming and their personality will leave you impressed. If you get married to a Japanese bride, it means you’d be signing up for a lifetime of physical development because whatever effort your woman makes towards her growth, she does the same for you. Fidelity is one trait that makes them even more adorable. A Japanese woman will not bring you any sense of jealousy by flirting with men. They put all their love and devotion to their husbands.
These are a few of many reasons why they are sought after by many men for marriage.
Where To Find a Japanese Woman For Marriage?
If you started reading this article without a strong conviction about your desire for Japanese women, but have now at this point decided that you also want a Japanese bride, then you will need to know how to meet them.
The world has continued to progress digitally and as a result, there are numerous testimonies of people who have found their true love online. While this is not to discourage you from traveling to Japan if you so desire, meeting Japanese women is now easier online and increases your chances of settling with one as you have a plethora of single Japanese women to choose from.
Online dating sites expose you to a wide range of women allowing you many choices. This is a good option as the dating site lets you pair with a woman whose attitude, values, and lifestyle suit yours.
When you visit genuine Japanese dating sites for registration, the first thing to spot is the rigorous identification exercise to confirm the identity of the site’s visitors. This is to prevent fraud. Online Dating provides you with more opportunities for meeting the woman you prefer.
There are websites that have secure dating features. Registering on genuine sites makes your task easier as it lifts the burden of security off you. Your main concern will be finding the right woman for you and not bothering about genuineness. You can visit some of these sites:
- AsianMelodies.com
- Charmerly.com
- AsiaCharm.com
- AsianFeels.com
What Kind Of Men Do Japanese Brides Like?
Nurturing a desire to have a Japanese bride is not all that’s required to get one. Also, registering on a dating site is not enough to get you a sexy Japanese woman. This is the section you want to read carefully. Your attitude and character are essential in forming a lasting relationship with a Japanese girl. And of course, a Japanese woman will have to consider the qualities you have before she accepts you.
Here are some characteristics that Japanese women love to see in their men:
Be A Gentleman
It is the dream of every woman to end up with a gentleman, a prince charming figure. This is incredibly important to Japanese girls because the men in their country rarely show their emotions as it is not the norm to be expressive to a bride. A Japanese woman will be attracted to your care and will reciprocate with loyalty for making her happy. Gestures like sending her random gifts can win her over.
Be Romantic
Japan is a technologically advanced country. Fast development is evidence of the hard work put in their duties. The men in Japan spend more time at work and do not have the time for much romance. A Japanese bride will appreciate romance because they don’t get it often and this can blossom into a complete love affair.
Be Courageous
Although you’re not expected to go about seeking to be anybody’s knight in shining armor or a superhero, it is important that you show courage. Japanese women are thrilled by courageous men. Japanese men do not give women all the attention they would love to receive. Oftentimes, you don’t have to act tough to prove anything. They probably just want you to look tough.
Experience the thrill of delving into the Japanese culture and enjoy the warmth and devotion Japanese girls are ready to offer in a lasting and truly fulfilling relationship.