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    Venezuelan Mail Order Brides

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    Best for Latin Women

    When the Italian seafarer Amerigo Vespucci first arrived in South America, the Indian huts built on stilts reminded him of Venice. In honor of that city, the famous discoverer named the new lands Venezuela. At present, if you ask a foreigner what Venezuela is associated with, most likely, you will hear about the former extravagant President Hugo Chávez, large oil deposits, and, possibly, baseball. For citizens of this state, which has an official name of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the indisputable symbols of their country are local women, whose beauty is recognized throughout the world.

    Oil deposits, fantastic nature, comfortable climate all year round, dangerous men, and beautiful women — there is no such combination anywhere else in the world. Young women of this nation were winners seven times in the Miss Universe contest, six times — in the Miss World pageant, eight times — in the Miss International completion, and one time — in the Miss Earth challenge. Many Venezuelan models work not only for national fashion brands but also for some of the most famous fashion houses.

    Features of Women From Venezuela

    Venezuelan Women

    In Venezuela, almost every girl strives for having perfect body forms, and they begin to take care of their appearance from childhood. Participation in all kinds of beauty contests has become a nationwide hobby for young Venezuelan women. However, feminine beauty requires sacrifices, including material expenses. Venezuelan girls used to win prizes at world beauty contests many times. Also, these females are the firsts in the world both in terms of purchases of cosmetics and in the number of plastic surgeries. 

    Venezuela is in the top three countries for the number of plastic surgery operations, which are considered great presents for the birthday and school graduation. According to data from the Association of Plastic Surgeons, about 40,000 Venezuelan women change their appearance every year. The most popular gift for the 16th birthday is considered a nose or body surgery correction. The primary dream for most Venezuelan girls is the beauty queen crown. 

    For the first time, two hot Venezuelan women were recognized as the most beautiful females in the world at the Miss Universe Contest in 2009. Since that time, Venezuela continues to supply beauty queens to the world market. Venezuela is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as a country whose representatives most often became winners in the world beauty contests in recent decades. It is quite difficult to explain this phenomenon properly. Most likely, this is a mystery of nature, blood mixing, and the achievements of plastic surgery altogether. 

    Many people believe that Venezuelan women have a spectacular appearance due to the mixture of several races. Three-quarters of the country’s population is dark-skinned, dark-haired, and dark-eyed. Most of them are mestizos, the descendants of Spanish settlers and native Indians. A minority are mulattos, the descendants of white Europeans and slaves from Africa. People with the darkest skin are Zambo, the smallest group of mixed Indian and African ancestry.

    Like Brazilians, sexy Venezuelan women often have mixed blood. This nation was formed under the influence of European, Indian, and African cultures. Venezuelan girls have very charming combinations of different racial features. Therefore, you can find women with light, dark, cream, and brown skin in this country. Basically, these are brunettes and brown-haired women with black or dark brown hair, hazel or green eyes. Most often, they have narrow cheekbones, large lips, and a straight nose.

    They Always Have Good Outlook

    Hot Venezuelan women always want to be attractive and irresistible. The so-called “Cuban style” featuring curvy shapes is trendy in this country. The standard of beauty in Venezuela is a passionate woman with curvaceous body forms, long hair, and pouty lips. In general, this is very similar to the female beauty ideal adopted in the US. Also, Venezuelan women prefer bright makeup and sexy outfits. They never go out without makeup. All in all, Venezuelan girls look very stylish in different situations.

    The most distinctive features of these girls are perfect bodies and exceptionally beautiful faces. It is one of the main reasons why Venezuelan girls are so in demand among single men from other countries. Despite the unstable economic and political situation in the country, Venezuelan women look healthy and well-groomed. This is mainly due to the fact that they usually eat natural food and also lead a healthy lifestyle. They exercise regularly and follow healthy diets. Thus, if you are looking to start a family with one of the hottest Venezuelan women, her health definitely will not be an obstacle.

    They Are Family Oriented

    Venezuelan women share life priorities between family and career. They are very independent and try to start a family as early as possible. It is customary for young women to give birth to children first, and then pursue their own career. The concept of family in this country includes several generations and all relatives, both close and remote. The life of an ordinary Venezuelan woman is devoted to her home, family, and children. Family is the main value of these women and thanks to this, the country’s population is growing rapidly. 

    The primary focus of all locals’ life is their families. Venezuelans spend much more free time with their families than the residents of neighboring Spanish speaking countries. In relationships with the opposite gender, the women often play the leading role. Men often abandon their traditional hobbies in favor of children and home. They are proud of dedicating considerable time to their families. The whole family often goes out, whether it is a local carnival or a Sunday mass in the church.

    Usually, three generations of people usually live in the same house, and elderly people have a high status. Grandparents often take care of children, especially if the parents are full-time employed. Grandmothers usually prepare meals and organize the rest of the family members. Many women in Venezuela work, and there is no discrimination in this matter. A large number of them have managed to reach professional heights in their fields.

    Venezuelan Dating Culture

    While talking about Latinas, you shouldn’t forget about Venezuelan ladies. They’re known for their exotic charm, and these women are considered to be among the sexiest girls in the world. It’s not surprising since it can be hard to resist women like Daniela Kosan, Ligia Hernandez, Maria Gabriela Paez, or Sabrian Seara. If interested in dating Venezuelan women, you should know the following:

    • Conservative mindset. When looking at the photos of women like Monica Spear, it can be hard to believe that they can be conservative. Venezuelan ladies are not women who might be interested in the notion of a casual relationship that doesn’t have anything but sex. For them, it’s more important that you can approach them with more serious intentions.
    • Commitment in a relationship. These women are really faithful. For them, you should be committed to your partner. What’s more, they’ll also demand the same from you, and you should know that they’re quite territorial ladies. You better not make them jealous, which will be bad for you.
    • Passion in a relationship. The most important aspect of your dating is passion. You’ll never lack sex while dating them. Be sure you’re ready for a passionate adventure. This is what makes them special for singles.

    How To Date Venezuelan Women?

    Venezuelan Women

    Concerning the matter of where to meet a Venezuelan woman in this country, many places can be found for that. Sexy Venezuelan women are open to meeting foreigners. However, you need to remember the basic safety rules, since the criminal situation in the country is not favorable. The centers of the country’s social life are numerous restaurants and cafes. Venezuelans love to eat out and meet friends there. Local girls love to flirt, have fun, and sing and dance.

    Venezuelan women love to watch TV and spend time in noisy companies. In Caracas, the capital city, there are more restaurants per capita than any other Latin American city. Venezuelans are emphatically polite and correct in personal relations. The service in the restaurants is unhurried, and visitors can spend much time there talking about various points. 

    Venezuelan girls also take dating very seriously. Punctuality is highly valued in this country. Hence, if you make an appointment with a local girl, she will most likely come on time. You will enjoy talking with your Venezuelan girl about all sorts of things since most of these beauties are well educated and know a lot of interesting facts. Local girls are not at all obsessed with politics, and you can always find a common language with them.

    You can also meet a charming Venezuelan girl on one of the international dating sites. However, the Internet market in Venezuela is not well developed. Home Internet is expensive and slow. Therefore, local girls prefer to use mobile apps such as Tinder and Latin American Cupid. Using these online platforms, you can meet many single Venezuelan girls, get to know them and maybe even begin serious relationships before coming to the country.

    What To Know Before The First Date with Venezuelan Women?

    Venezuelan women are confident and self-sufficient. Perhaps, the socially significant status of mother and wife gives them confidence. Even in Catholicism, the focus is not on the man, but on the woman as the Virgin Mary with the baby. Venezuela is a Catholic country. Venezuelan women live and work surrounded by many attributes of religiosity. Every home, office, and shop has an image of the Virgin Mary. Figures of the holy virgin are installed along the roads. Drivers and passengers are baptized every time they pass by. 

    Many local traditions are based on Christian norms of behavior. Religious parades are regularly organized on city streets. However, Venezuelan women are not at all Puritans. For instance, vibrant dark-skinned girls wearing tops and miniskirts usually participate in religious parades. Venezuelans are very tolerant towards cultural and racial differences, and intermarriages are very common. Along with the Christian religion, local people also practice rituals based on folk beliefs.

    In Venezuela, Spanish is widely spoken, but English is used much less. Most often, English is spoken in the business districts of large cities, hotels, and restaurants. If you do not speak Spanish, you may find yourself in a difficult situation as not all Venezuelan girls speak English. If you find a common language, you will make sure that these girls are smart, witty, and pleasant in communication. These girls love jokes and are ready to laugh heartily.

    However, like most Latinas, hot Venezuelan women can also be hot-tempered and temperamental. To avoid arduous debate, you should not say anything controversial about this country, locals, and traditions. Like most other women around the world, Venezuelan girls love it when men give them a lot of attention. Therefore, a small gift and compliments will never be superfluous. Show your Venezuelan girlfriend that she is special and that you sincerely admire her.

    Be A Gentleman

    Venezuelan brides love men who act like gentlemen. Therefore, show you good manners to impress your girlfriend. The best ways to demonstrate your good upbringing are particular gestures. For example, buy her flowers, hold the door, pull up a chair for her, give her a jacket, and so on. Most girls love such men’s attitude and will definitely appreciate your efforts. They also enjoy romantic walks in parks and along beautiful beaches. She should feel safe with you.

    Choose The Right Place

    Young Venezuelan women are usually busy during the day, but at night they love to meet friends, dance, drink, and have fun. One of the best ways to meet sexy Venezuelan women is to go to famous clubs or visit beach bars. Caracas has beautiful and well-equipped beaches as well as historical and cultural sites. In addition, you can visit the best parks, cafes, and universities, where you can meet many sexy Caracas girls.

    In Caracas, you better stay in one of the hotels located near the busiest part of the city. When it comes to finding typical Venezuelan girls at night, you definitely have a good chance because there are many popular nightclubs in the big cities. The popular nightclubs are Le Club, O’Vertigo Discoteca, Nens Club, and Disco Marbella.

    Be Sincere

    Venezuelan girls are definitely honest and loyal. If a Venezuelan girl falls in love with you, she will never cheat on you with another guy, as personal relationships mean a lot to these girls. Your girlfriend will expect the same treatment from you, so you should not deceive her. Otherwise, you might deal with her hot temper and many angry siblings. Try not to disappoint her expectations, unless you want to get in trouble.

    Show Your Interest

    When dating your Venezuelan girlfriend, try to behave directly and show your romantic side. Plus, these girls usually spend a lot of time preparing to date with you. They always strive to have a beautiful look for this occasion. They want to hear how beautiful they look that day. Forget clichés and quotes from popular soap operas. Be honest and simple when complimenting. Your girlfriend will definitely appreciate your kind words and sincere interest.

    The National Character or What Are Venezuelan Girls Like?

    Venezuelan girls

    Difficult life and social problems have made the spirit of Venezuelan women indomitable and resilient. Contemporary Venezuela is not the richest and prosperous country in the world. Nevertheless, Venezuelan women are often cheerful and carefree, despite economic problems, significant religious piety, and frightening statistics regarding the number of single mothers. You will be pleasantly surprised to feel how openly and kindly foreigners are welcomed here. You will meet many courteous, polite, and tactful people in this country.

    Venezuelan brides are distinguished by their calm character, politeness, and respect for elders. These females are optimistic and know how to support other people in difficult situations. However, they are significantly influenced by stereotypes and various patterns imposed by the media. The strong point of Venezuelan women is sensuality and emotionality. Young girls may seem somewhat naive and touchy, but at the same time, they are quite pragmatic and know exactly what they want to achieve in life.


    Western Feminism vs. Traditional Family Values of Venezuelan Women

    The family unit is an essential aspect of Venezuelan culture. Venezuelan families are generally large, close-knit, and supportive. Extended family ties play a particularly significant role in rural areas outside big cities. Many local people went abroad to other countries due to economic problems. Nevertheless, most of them never forget about their relatives left in Venezuela and support them by all their means. 

    Traditionally, men are the family leaders and primary earners for their families, while women generally do housework. Many contemporary women are financially independent. They have full-time jobs and high social status. However, these women have to take care of children, elderly family members, and their homes, regardless of whether or not they have employment. In this country, women outnumber men in such essential sectors of the national economy as law, medicine, and education. In local universities, the overwhelming majority of teachers are women.

    Venezuelan women stand for gender equality and women’s empowerment. However, many people understand that this is only possible in a socialist country, built on the model of communist regimes, and not on the model of contemporary progressive European governments. According to the current policy in this country, government programs should be primarily subordinate to the goals of protecting women’s rights. However, these political statements often have purely declarative character.

    Venezuelan Women and Their Views on Having Children

    Recently, the President of Venezuela calls on women to have at least six children for the country’s benefit. However, in the conditions of a prolonged economic crisis in the country, not every family can afford to have many children. Many local families lack funds even for adequate nutrition. Nevertheless, Venezuelan women are active and try to earn no less than their husbands. They love children very much and want to have a lot of them in their families. Local girls dream of becoming wonderful wives and mothers from childhood. Children are the primary meaning of life for these women.

    What Do Beautiful Venezuelan Ladies Look Like?

    The appearance of Venezuelan women cannot be described in a couple of sentences. Their splendor and beauty are indisputable. Venezuelan girls have flawless and pretty faces with lovely eyes and full lips. Also, their body shapes can drive many men crazy. They are amazingly sexy, sensual, alluring, and loveable. The charm of Venezuelan beauty queens in high heels and extravagant dresses continues to capture the imaginations of many men and fuel their dreams of meeting them.

    Beautiful and lovely Venezuelan brides are waiting for your appreciation of their magnificence. However, many of them are very picky when choosing a life partner. Also, they can be overly possessive and jealous, and they do not even let their men look at other women. If you are looking for a reliable, beautiful, joyful, and household-oriented wife, Venezuelan ladies are great candidates. Such women can make any single man happy.

    How To Meet A Venezuelan Wife Who Will Turn Your Life Into a Fairytale?

    The easiest way to find an unmarried and beautiful girl from this country is to register on one of the dating websites. Online dating can save you money and time to find just such a bride that would suit you in all aspects. These online platforms have everything you need to meet and communicate with gorgeous Venezuelan mail order brides. Using different filters, you will be able to select the most attractive girls upon your preferences.

    Take this issue seriously and responsibly. You need to be online as often as possible and regularly check your incoming messages. When interacting with girls, try to impress them with compliments and small gifts to show your romantic intentions. Venezuelan girls expect a man to take the first step. Show initiative, but do it without excessive pressure and vigor. Win the girl’s favor using your sense of humor. You do not need to discuss serious things. Playing a trick on your friends is often helpful.

    If you decide to meet in person a girl found on one of the dating sites, make sure you look neat and elegant. Learn a few expressions in Spanish if you are not familiar with this language. Be willing to learn more about Venezuelan culture and traditions. Using these tips, you should have a great time with your Venezuelan girlfriend. As a result, she will make your life brighter and more adventurous. If you decide to make her a marriage proposal, this girl can become an exemplary wife and mother of your children.

    How Much Does It Cost To Marry a Venezuelan Woman?

    Nobody likes to think about money in the most romantic moments of life. However, you need to have a rough idea of the future expenses if you decide to marry a Venezuelan girl. Surely, you will need to hire a specialized agency that will help you with the papers and organization of the celebration. Also, you will need a driver with a car. The required amount that will be needed varies from about $5,000 to $20,000. Additionally, the cost of a gala dinner will directly depend on the number of guests, the venue of the event, and the cuisine.


    Do Venezuelan Women Like American Men?

    Yes, hot Venezuelan brides are looking for meeting American guys since they realize how well-being is essential for any family.

    Why Are Venezuelan Women So Beautiful?

    Venezuelan women are distinguished by a mixture of different peoples’ blood. In addition, the beauty industry in this country is very developed.

    Do Venezuelan Women Date White Men?

    These girls strive to meet their love and be happy. Therefore, they do not want to miss their chance and often show initiative in relationships.

    How Soon Can A Venezuelan Bride Get A US Citizenship?

    The best way to do this is to contact a specialized agency to comply with all paperwork. First, she needs to get a fiancée visa to come to the US. When the marriage is registered on the territory of the USA, the woman can get the resident’s permanent status within several weeks.

    How Old Are Most Venezuelan Brides?

    Most often, you can meet Venezuelan mail order brides from 18 to 25 years old on specialized dating sites. However, you can find a bride of different ages if you have particular preferences.

    What To Gift To Your Venezuelan Bride?

    Just like females from other countries, Venezuelan girls adore flowers, perfumery, and jewelry. Many of them also like sweets, stuffed toys, and gadgets. 

    Venezuelan women might be the kind of ladies you are yearning to date. However, there is very little information and unknown secrets about them. The truth is that they are among the beautiful women in Latin America with the most qualities men are looking for in their marriage. Visiting this part of the world might bring you joy when you finally meet Venezuelan girls. But do you know anything about sexy Venezuelan women?

    In this guide, we will state all the facts you need to know about these Venezuelan cuties. You will learn about their characters, personalities, and why they are so popular among Western men. Lastly, we will showcase a list of 10 hot Venezuelan women to give you an insight into how beautiful Venezuelan brides can be. Keep reading to find all the details!

    How to Find Beautiful Venezuelan Women?

    Venezuelan Women

    The chances that you will find a Venezuelan woman on the city streets of your country are nearly zero. That leaves you with only two choices: traveling to Venezuela or online dating sites to find sexy Venezuelan women. Each option has its advantages and disadvantages. So, let us briefly discuss how you can find a cute Venezuelan lady using either option.

    Traveling to Venezuela

    Your destination should be the city of Caracas because it has booming nightlife and an active day. It also gives you two options: day game or night game. It is upon you to choose what works for you and is most convenient.

    Night Game

    Caracas offers many resting places at night where you can relax and have a chance to meet single Venezuelan women. You can consider taking your search to nightclubs, bars, and restaurants. If you are keen, you will never miss seeing the pretty women of Venezuela in such places.

    The exact spots you can strategically place yourself include El Rosal in Chacao, La Castellana, Maroma bar, LeClub, Discoteca Marbella, Moreno Restaurante. Local bars and dance clubs you can consider are the following:

    • Club Same
    • Nens Club
    • Guarapitas Bar Miami
    • Juan Sebastian Bar
    • La Quinta Live Music Bar

    Day Game

    You also have a clear opportunity to find Venezuelan women during the day at the malls and shopping centers such as Casa Mall, Tolón Fashion Mall, and Sebastian Mall Galleries. You can also take a walk around the famous Caracas cathedral where you will never miss finding the pretty women of this country. They hang a lot around these places.

    Online Dating Sites

    You might not have the time to fly to Venezuela to find your dream woman. That is where online dating sites come to your aid. You can view a catalog of hot Venezuelan women right from your handset. You will have the chance to make the best choice from thousands of women on dating sites. View the profiles and start a conversation with whoever pleases you. However, you have to be aware of the scammers who will use you for their own gain. An unverified profile is a waste of time.

    What Is So Special About Venezuelan Brides?

    Venezuelan women are no ordinary Latin cuties. They have unique qualities and features that make them unique among other women from this region. We have to accept that they are beautiful, romantic, caring, and family-oriented. They do not mind public affection, which most men like when they hang out with their women.

    Hot Venezuelan women are the go-to ladies if you want love and faithfulness. However, they are also very jealous and will not tolerate other women hanging around their men. That means you should only look for a Venezuelan girl if you are ready to commit and stay faithful just the way she will be.

    Should You Consider Venezuelan Women as Life Partners?

    Yes. Venezuelan mail order brides have charming beauties that will be the pride of every man. Men naturally feel proud if they have cuties walking beside them, which is just what a Venezuelan woman has to offer you. Their pretty faces when they broadly smile are breathtaking. No man can genuinely resist it.

    Venezuelan brides are characterized by deep eyes, a perfect face, and a statuesque body that reveals their inner beauty. They also have unique personalities that make them just the best wives men dream of. Their loyalty and submission are on a different level.

    If you are looking for Venezuelan women for marriage to build you, you will find the best. Single Venezuelan women are known for becoming the best mothers. Hospitality, sense of humor, emotionality, and expressive bodies are just impossible qualities to find in one woman, but Venezuelan ladies have them all.

    Venezuelan Women Are Very Unusual

    Venezuelan women are very unusual in many ways. The first thing is their ability to keep the spark alive. They are aware of the challenges that even the most successful relationships face when partners do not put their efforts into maintaining the love they share. If you are lucky to marry a Venezuelan woman, be sure that your union will stand the test of time. A Venezuelan wife takes it as her responsibility to keep your love.

    Another unique quality of Venezuelan women is their fascinating personalities. You cannot learn everything in just one go. They have a mix of characters and personalities that they gain from the way they are brought up. In general, a Venezuelan woman will always try to find out new things, one of which is how to make you happy. You can never get bored in the company of these cuties. Their charm and a good sense of humor make Venezuelan brides the best life partners.

    Highly Feminine

    This is where we have to revisit the irresistible beauty of Venezuelan girls. They have been regularly crowned as Miss Universe and have received many recognitions in different beauty pageants. That explains why they are often referred to as the most beautiful women of Latin America.

    Venezuelan women are tall, curvy, and very graceful. Every woman from this country bears long, dark, glossy, wavy hair that complements their beautiful faces. You cannot resist a hot Venezuelan woman who is smartly dressed and enhances her beauty with makeup. For lack of a better word, let us say that Venezuelan brides are gorgeous.

    What Makes Venezuelan Brides So Popular Among Men?

    Venezuelan brides

    Venezuelan girls have raised the bar high on international dating sites. They are the first option for foreign men looking for mail order brides because of their unique personalities. Without wasting time, let us unveil what makes these Latin dolls famous among men.

    They Know English Well

    The language barrier is a serious problem that makes foreign men move away from dating or marrying women from other countries. That is not the case with sexy Venezuelan women. Most of them have attained post-secondary education and can communicate in English. They might not be fluent, but they can make sentences to keep a conversation going without glitches.

    Ladies From Venezuelan Run the Household Greatly

    Venezuelan women are family-oriented and stick to their customs and traditions, which state the roles of women in society. They love their families, relatives, and friends, but not at the expense of happiness. These women are trained from childhood to handle household chores, and they embrace it when they get married.

    Another bonus point about Venezuelan girls is that they are good cooks, and they love doing it. You will enjoy the best meals prepared by your Venezuelan wife. Having a taste of foreign recipes is not bad, but you can also teach your wife new recipes in your country. They are quick learners.

    A Venezuelan Women Is Very Caring and Gentle

    Venezuelan girls are taught from childhood to love and care for people they cherish. They have since grown to be caring and compassionate women who bring joy to their partners. Their care and compassion are for everyone who deserves them, husband and kids being at the top of the list. They also provide emotional and moral support to their partners when needed.

    Venezuela Women are Very Sincere

    There is a phrase stating that never trust a woman. It does not apply when referring to Venezuelan women. They are sincere in their feelings, thoughts, and what they say. You can believe in every word or body language from a Venezuelan woman. If she loves you, she indeed is. There is no doubt or second thought about it.

    Venezuelan Women Are Very Adventurous

    We have hinted about this but let us now make it clear. Owing to the environment and circumstances under which Venezuelan women grow, they have adapted to finding new ways of doing things better. The conditions in their country largely contribute to their adventurous nature. That means they can adapt to the weather conditions and people in your country quite fast. In their entire lives, they strive to gain comfort by looking for new opportunities.

    10 Famous Venezuelan Girls You Need to Know

    You might not believe how beautiful and hardworking Venezuelan girls are without giving you names. We have compiled a list of 10 hot Venezuelan women who have gained fame worldwide. Check them out below:

    Dayana Mendoza

    Dayana Mendoza is a Venezuelan actress, model, film producer, and director born on June 1, 1986. She has had quite a successful career with many awards and titles in the entertainment industry. Dayana had been crowned a beauty queen and was crowned Miss Venezuela in 2007 and Miss Universe in 2008. She is also in the Guinness Book of Records as the first model to win Miss Universe consecutively, winning in 2008 and 2009. That was also the first time the title went to one country in two consecutive years.

    Dayana Mendoza ventured into film producing and directing in 2008. She also acted in many short films. Dayana is attached to the following films as either a producer, director, or actress: Sweet Misery, Portada’s, Lord of the Dreams, Relaxed, Celebrity Apprentice, The Mermaid Complex, Nothing’s Fair in Love, etc.

    Migbelis Castellanos

    Migbelis Lynette Castellanos Romero is an actress, model, TV host, and beauty queen born on June 7, 1995. She has made a name for herself despite her young age. Migbelis entered the entertainment industry at a young age and has succeeded amidst the challenges.

    As a model, she represented the Costa Oriental region of the Zulia state at the Miss Venezuela in the 2013 pageant. That came after winning the Miss teen Costa Oriental in 2010. She later represented her country in the Miss Universe 2014, where she managed to be among the top 10 finalists in that beauty competition. Her career reached its peak when she was crowned the Miss Nuestra Belleza Latina in 2008.

    Sabrina Seara

    Sabrina Seara was born on March 27, 1985, in Caracas, Venezuela. She is an actress and model who had the passion of becoming a superstar. To achieve her dreams, she registered for acting classes when she was 16 years of age. Her career started picking up when she was given a protagonist role in the television series titled Guayoyo Express. She played different roles in many films, but her major milestone came in 2012. She starred in a telenovela called Válgame Dios. The success of the movie made her famous.

    Sabrina’s career continued to thrive, winning the best actress award in 2016 for her work in the film titled El Señor de Los Cielos. Her beauty put her in the spotlight both on and off the stage.

    Osmariel Villalobos

    Osmariel Villalobos is a TV host and a model born on August 2, 1988. She is a successful model with many awards to her name; crowned the Miss Earth Venezuela beauty pageant in 2011 and represented her country in the Miss Earth 2012 held in the Philippines. She became the second runner up and won the Miss Photogenic Awards.

    Osmariel now works as a TV host at the Venevision where her beauty cannot be ignored. This Venezuelan woman has vibrant curls, magical eyes, a beautiful face, a curvaceous body, and naturally tanned skin.

    María Gabriela Isler

    Gabriela is a model and TV host born on march 21, 1988. She has had a fantastic modeling career like no other Venezuelan woman, becoming the Miss Universe in 2013. Gabriela was the sixth Venezuelan model to win that title.

    Apart from her beauty and success in her career, Isler has a big heart. She founded the Universe of Blessings Fund, a charitable organization involved with female empowerment and counseling. The organization aims at reducing teen pregnancies and mortality-related complications. Isler currently holds the position of national director of Miss Venezuela, succeeding Osmel Sousa.

    Adriana Vasini

    Adriana Cristina Vasini Sánchez is a Venezuelan actress and beauty queen born on July 30, 1987. One of her remarkable achievements in her modeling career is being crowned Miss World Venezuela 2009 and Reina Hispanoamericana 2009. She became the second runner up in Miss World 2010 when she represented her country in that world beauty contest. Adriana has also become among the top 10 finalists in the Miss World Talent and the 20 finalists of the Miss World Top Model event.

    Before going into modeling, Adriana was a medical student at the University of Zulia. She is a true beauty queen with her round face and dazzling looks.

    Irene Esser

    Irene Esser is an actress, model, and beauty queen born on November 20, 1991. She rocks the world with her curvaceous body and stunning beauty. She can be considered as the hottest Venezuelan woman as her success in modeling proves it. Her beautiful face and statuesque figure have earned her many fashion projects.

    As a model, Irene won the Miss Venezuela title in 2011. She represented the country in the Miss Universe 2012, where she became the second runner up. As an actress, Irene played different roles in the films, such as Corazón Esmeralda, Piel Salvaje, and Bolívar.

    Mariangel Ruiz

    Mariangel Ruiz is a successful Venezuelan actress, TV host, and model born on January 7, 1980. She won the Miss Venezuela 2002 title and became the 1st runner-up in the Miss Universe 2003. She is one of the most popular Venezuelan women of the 21st century for her incredible work in the entertainment industry.

    Ruiz also has a successful acting and TV host career. She appeared on many TV shows aired by Venevision. The following are some of her main credits: Bailando con las Estrellas, Portada’s, Cosita Rica, Que Locura, La viuda joven, and Corazón Esmeralda. She was also involved in publicizing different products for different companies.

    Lydimar Carolina

    Lydimar Carolina Jonaitis Escalona is an actress, model, and beauty queen who has made a name for herself in the Venezuelan entertainment industry. She Was born on October 12, 1985, and has worked hard to rise to fame.

    Carolina was crowned Miss Venezuela in 2006 after beating 27 other contestants who showed up. She was the eighth to win the Miss Guarico since the Miss Venezuela pageant was first held in 1952. She represented her country in the Miss Universe 2007 pageant and emerged the second runner up. As an actress, Carolina featured in the Nacer Contigo and Los misterioso del amor telenovelas.

    Elian Herrera

    Elian Herrera is a model and a volleyball player born on January 4, 1991. She was the first runner-up in the Miss Venezuela 2012 pageant and earned the Miss International 2013 title. Elian also became third in the Miss Internet online poll.

    Elian is also a talented athlete. She is a member of the Venezuelan volleyball national team. She also played in the Venezuelan league as a member of the Aragua Volleyball team. Her contributions helped the team to win the 2010 and 2011 national championships.


    Hot Venezuelan Girls Date of Birth Career
    Dayana Mendoza June 1, 1986 Actress, Model, Film Producer, And Director
    Migbelis Castellanos on June 7, 1995 Actress, Model, TV Host
    Sabrina Seara March 27, 1985 Actress, Model
    Osmariel Villalobos August 2, 1988 TV Host, Model
    María Gabriela Isler March 21, 1988 Model, TV Host
    Adriana Vasini July 30, 1987 Actress, Beauty Queen
    Irene Esser November 20, 1991 Actress, Model, Beauty Queen
    Mariangel Ruiz January 7, 1980 Actress, TV Host, Model
    Lydimar Carolina October 12, 1985 Actress, Model, Beauty Queen
    Elian Herrera January 4, 1991 Model, Athlete


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